One of the features of is a series of lists and registers we are developing. In the Media section we have assembled more than 10 lists on different journalists to explore the close relationship between business, politics, media and the public relations industry.

In our first issue we are publishing four lists. They are:

Some of the other lists that we will publish in the weeks ahead include:

  • journalists who have been posted overseas by Australian media outlets
  • journalists who have made it into senior management posts
  • journalists who have made it working for major foreign media outlets overseas
  • what happens to former editors
  • political and business journalists with more than 15 years experience who have never “sold out”

We don’t want any of these to be seen as a black lists but rather a constructive means of better understanding journalism and its interface with the political and corporate sectors. However, Crikey starts from the viewpoint that what we consume through our media is affected by three worrying things:

1. The prevalence of the PR industry given that there are now twice as many spin doctors as journalists in Australia.

2. Continuing cuts to editorial resources across all media which already suffers from lack of diversity.

3. The commercial agendas of the media owners which sometimes influence what is published or broadcast.

As someone who “sold out” and worked as a spin doctor for Jeff Kennett, I saw how easy it was to manipulate the media and public opinion. The journalists only ever knew about 10 per cent of what was happening and the public about five per cent. However, seeing how it works on the inside makes you a better journalist as you have a greater insight into the political process and develop better contacts.

Therefore, selling out is not necessarily a bad thing if you return to journalism. However, it can make it difficult to write about the people you were working for when you have showed your political hand.

The scale of the exodus from journalism to PR is in many respects the manifestation of a broader problem; that being the relatively poor pay and unrewarding nature of many journalistic jobs.

As a spin doctor you get paid much more money, work more regular hours and never get sent out to badger grieving relatives in a “death knock” story. However, your goal is sometimes to distort and manipulate so you can no longer be seen to be working in the public interest, as any good journalist does. This is the trade off people make between life style and journalistic principle.

Crikey would love to receive contributions to this debate from journalists and spin doctors alike. Please email corrections or additions to the lists and any comments you have to<!– –><!– –> Please state if you would like to remain anonymous.

Working Journalists Who Have Worked For Politicians

Peter Alford West Australian, Herald Sun, Jeff Kennett, Australian
Dennis Atkins Wayne Goss, Courier Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, NSW Labor Education minister Rod
Paul Bailey Cavalier, Sydney Morning Herald, Bulletin editor.
Mark Bannerman Ten, John Button, ABC.
David Barnett Australian, Fraser, Bulletin, freelance.
Andrew Bolt Melbourne Herald, Bob Collins, Herald Sun.
Tom Burton SMH, Michael Duffy, Department of Communications, SMH, AFR, SMH Online.
Barrie Cassidy ABC, Bob Hawke, Ten, ABC Television.
Gabriell Chan Australian, Peter Collins, freelance.
Peter Coster Melbourne Herald, Peacock, Herald Sun.
Julianne Davies John Cain, Age.
Joel Deane Herald Sun, John Brumby, San Francisco Television.
Michael Doyle The Age, Melbourne Herald, Cain, ABC Television.
Michael Duffy Independent Monthly, Carr, Telegraph columnist.
Michael Dwyer Tom Uren, Financial Review.
Bernie Freedman Federal Immigration department, Jewish News.
Darren Goodsir Bob Gibbs (Qld Labor), Sun Herald.
Kate Hannon Laurie Brereton, News Ltd.
Michael Harvey Melbourne Herald, David White (Vic ALP), Herald Sun.
Paul Heinrichs Cain, Age.
Nick Hordern AFR, Reith, AFR.
Hugo Kelly Age, Brian Howe, Richard Ellis, Crikey.
Michael Magazanik Age, Duncan Kerr, Australian, ABC Television.
Terry Maher AFR, Alan Stockdale, Melbourne Times, Zeitgeist.
Stephen Mayne Herald Sun, Age, Kennett, Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, AFR, The Eye, Crikey.
John McCarthy Greiner, Courier Mail.
Paddy McGuinness Bill Hayden, Australian Financial Review, Age, Sydney Morning Herald.
Frank McGuire Melbourne Herald, John Cain, Ten, ABC, McGuire Media.
Glen Mitchell Australian, Phil Gude (Vic Liberal), International Public Relations, Herald Sun.
Ian Munro Melbourne Sun, Joan Kirner, Age.
Kevin Norbury Hamer, Age.
Kerry O’Brien Gough Whitlam/Lionel Bowen, ABC Television, Ten, ABC Television.
Morgan Ogg Ted Pickering (NSW Lib), Telegraph, Seven.
Jim O’Rourke Telegraph, Jocelyn Newman, Sun Herald.
Nick Papps Adelaide Advertiser, John Olsen, Herald Sun.
Christopher Pearson Adelaide Review, Howard, Australian Financial Review.
Alan Ramsay Sydney Morning Herald, Bill Hayden, Sydney Morning Herald.
Tim Rumble Chikarovski, Sun Herald.
Mark Scott Terry Metherell (NSW Lib), Deputy Editor of Sydney Morning Herald.
Dennis Shanahan NSW Liberal, Australian.
Paul Syvret Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Financial Review, David Hamill (Qld Labor), Bulletin.
Gary Tippett Sun News Pictorial, Joan Kirner, Age.
Paola Totaro Sydney Morning Herald, Bob Carr, Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald.
David Turnbull Channel 10, John Hewson, Nine.
Andrew West Jeanette McHugh (Fed ALP), Sun Herald.
David Wilson Australian, Jeff Kennett, Sunday Herald Sun.

Journalists Who Have Made it in Senior Management


John Alexander Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), ACP CEO
Chris Anderson Fairfax, Optus CEO.
Eric Beecher SMH, Melb Herald, Text Media CEO
Fred Brenchley Australian Financial Review (AFR), Fairfax management, Australian, AFR, Bulletin.
John Byrne Melb Sun, various mining cos.
Ian Carroll ABC, ABC datacasting chief
Phil Chubb ABC, own company
Malcolm Colless News Ltd journalist, News Ltd management
Michael Costello somewhere, DFAT chief, ASX deputy CEO, Beazley
Ian Cross ABC, Lonely Planet TV
Garry Davey Adelaide Advertiser, STAR TV CEO
Geoff Dixon somewhere, Qantas operations director
Bruce Dover Melbourne Herald, News Interactive CEO.
Ian Forsyth ABC, TAC, Norwich Union retail chief.
Josh Frith Australian, own internet company
Ian Frykberg Nine, Sky, Super League, own business
Margaret Gee Age, publishing media guides
Michael Gill AFR, Fairfax Business Publications CEO.
Hugh Girner BRW, InvestorWeb board.
Robert Gottliebsen AFR, Chairman BRW Media
Steve Harris Age, Herald Sun, Age CEO
John Hartigan Daily Telegraph, News Ltd Editorial Chief
David Hickie SMH, own internet company
Les Hinton Adelaide Advertiser, News International CEO
Michael Hoy somewhere, dep CEO Fairfax, various boards
Greg Hywood AFR, SMH CEO
Heather Killen AFR, Yahoo.
David Koch Various, Money Management
Peter Maher BRW, mining cos.
Mark Maley Four Corners, Investorweb
Roy Miller Sunday Herald Sun, Gold Coast Bulletin GM.
Tom Mockeridge SMH, Keating, Foxtel CEO.
Mark Ryan Melb Sun, Westfield marketing chief
Michael Schildberger ABC, listed company
Stuart Simson The Age, Simson Media
Chris Skase Melbourne Sun, AFR, Qintex, Majorca
Max Suich Independent Monthly, Optus, somewhere
Greg Taylor Age, Age CEO.
David Walker Age, echoice Content director
Max Walsh AFR, Broadcom, Ten board, SMH, Bulletin
Michael Wilkinson Melb Herald, publishing
Peter Wylie Daily Mirror, GM Adelaide Advertiser


Journalists Now Or Recently Working For Politicians


Matthew Abbott Australian Financial Review, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Joe Hockey.
James Baker Ten Network, National Party.
Kevin Balshaw ABC regional, Jeff Kennett.
Karen Boalch Telegraph, Peter Collins.
Jim Bonnor ABC, Malcolm Fraser, Ian McLachlan, SA Liberal Party Director.
Rebecca Bryant Nine, Cheryl Kernot, Kim Beazley.
Glenn Byers Cumberland, Harry Woods (NSW ALP).
Cheryl Cartwright AAP, Alexander Downer, John Moore, Warren Truss.
Graham Cassidy Sydney Morning Herald, Michael Knight.
Paul Chamberlin Sydney Morning Herald, Age, NineMSN, John Anderson.
Adam Connolly Australian, Telegraph, John Sharp, John Howard, Michael Wooldridge, Oxford.
Michael Costello somewhere, Hayden, DFAT, Australian Stock Exchange, Kim Beazley.
Paul Cowdy journalist in PNG, NT Country Liberal Party.
Kevin Donnellan 5DN, Dean Brown, Amanda Vanstone.
Matt Dowling radio, Peter Ryan (Vic Nat).
Anna Fitzgerald somewhere, Meg Lees.
Greg Friedewald The Sunday Sun, AAP, press secretary to NSW Planning Minister, Eric Bedford, Commonwealth PR director, media adviser to ACT Opposition Leader, Jon Stanhope
Luis M Garcia Sydney Morning Herald, Chikarovski, Sydney Morning Herald, Chikarovski.
Steve Gartland Herald Sun, MEAA, Bob McMullan, Steve Bracks.
Wendy George 2WS, Bob Carr.
Rachel Gleeson Regional media, Chikarovski.
Kate Griffin Adelaide Advertiser, Adelaide TV, Adelaide Liberal Party.
Adrian Grundy Radio, Denis Napthine.
Ian Hanke Age, radio, Peter Reith.
Sandra Harvey Sydney Morning Herald, Paul Whelan (NSW Labor).
Jane Henschke Ten, Peter McGauran.
Sam Herron Channel Ten, David Kemp.
Steve Ingram somewhere, Phil Ruddock, Australian Bankers’ Association, Phil Ruddock.
Jason Laird Horsham Gazette, Geelong Advertiser, Jeff Kennett, Telstra.
Amanda Lampe West Australian, Con Sciacca, Bob Carr.
Rebecca Lang Herald Sun, AAP, Phil Koperberg, Bob Debus (NSW ALP).
Dieter Lehmann Leader Newspapers, Denis Napthine (Vic Lib).
Shoshana Lenthen AAP, Harry Woods (NSW ALP).
Liz Lopes Age, Lyn Allison (Democrat).
Peter Lewis Telegraph, Jeff Shaw (NSW Labor), NSW Labor council.
Ainslee Maccullum WA radio, Senator Andrew Murray (Dem).
Paul Malone Canberra Times, various Labor ministers.
Lachlan McDonald Sun News Pictorial, Kirner, Peter Batchelor (Victorian ALP)
Sandra McKay AAP, Age, John Thwaites (Vic ALP).
Michael Moore Hobart Mercury, Tasmanian Government (Ray Groom), Jeff Kennett, Turnbull Porter Novelli, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Steve Murphy 3MP, 3AK, 3UZ, 3AW, Kennett
George Negus ABC, Lionel Murphy (Fed Labor), Nine, ABC.
Jim O’Brien Melbourne Herald, NT Country Liberal Party.
Terry O’Connor AAP, Richard Alston.
Tony O’Leary Brisbane Sun, Ten, Herald Sun, Federal Liberal Party, John Howard.
Matthew Phelan Herald Sun, Steve Bracks.
Jane Phillips Ten, Steve Bracks.
Amanda Platell West Australian, William Hague (UK Tory leader).
Colin Radford ABC Radio, MEAA, Brumby (then Victorian Opposition Leader), Bracks (Vic Premier).
Jon Richards regional media, comic script writer, Jeff Kennett, Peter Ryan (Vic Nat).
Nikki Savva Herald Sun, Age, Peter Costello.
Walt Secord Australian Jewish News, Sutherland Council, Bob Carr.
Andrew Sholl ABC, Alan Griffith, Tony Blair.
Michael Smith Leader Newspapers, David Kemp, Phil Honeywood (Vic Lib).
Anne Stanford Regional TV, Jeff Kennett, Monash University.
Russ Street 2SM, 3XY, for self, Ian Macdonald (Lib).
Jon Taylor ABC News, NT Country Liberal Party.
Jim Tennyson Sun, Steve Crabb, Herald Sun, Steve Bracks.
Greg Turnbull ABC Brisbane, Paul Keating, Kim Beazley.
Geoff Walsh Melbourne Herald, ALP, Bob Hawke, DFAT, Paul Keating, DFAT, ALP national secretary.
Serena Williams Geelong Advertiser, Jeff Kennett, Michael Wooldridge
Innes Willox Age, Alexander Downer.
John Wilson somewhere, Bronwyn Bishop.
James Woods News Ltd, John Herron.
Viv Wynter ABC Radio, Senator John Woodley (Qld Dem).


Journalists To PR Agencies


Tim Allerton Australian, City PR
Julia Balderstone Weekly Times, Hill & Knowlton
Peter Barron somewhere, Bob Hawke, Packer
Vince Basille Age, Steve Crabb, Medialink/Grollos.
Bruce Baskett founding Herald Sun editor, general manager Bendigo Advertiser, editor Christchurch Press, Hinton & Associates.
Noel Bushnell Australian Business, Bushnell-Hannigan
Shane Cahill Sunday Herald, Tony Sheehan (Vic ALP), CPR
Bernie Clancy Melbourne Herald, own firm.
Simon Clark Age, Nine, Stratcom
Kate Davies Seven, Burston Marstellar.
Ken Davis Melb Herald, Holt PR, Turnbull Porter Novelli.
Martin Dobell ABC, John Fahey, Burson Marstellar.
Kerrie Dougglas ABC, Hill & Knowlton.
Paul Ellercamp Sydney Morning Herald, Ten, Bob Hawke, Surf Life Saving Association, own firm.
Dean Felton Queensland Newspapers, ABC, Channel 9, Channel 7, Channel 10, self-employed media consultant, Medialink Productions.
John Field Adelaide Advertiser, Field Business Services.
John Fitzgerald Melbourne Herald, International Public Relations, own firm.
John Hannigan ABC, Alcoa, Hannigan-Bushnell.
Robin Harris AFR, Bankers Trust, John Dawkins , Australian Stock Exchange, own firm.
Virginia Hausseger ABC TV, Nine, Cosway.
Trevor Hawkins Melbourne Sun, National Times, Daily Telegraph, Holt PR, Hill and Knowlton.
Tony Heselev Sun, Rob Jolly, Buchan Communications
John Hewitt MMM, Warwick Smith, AusAccess.
Pat Hinton Melbourne Herald, Hinton & Associates.
Scott Hinton Herald Sun, JB Were, Hinton & Associates.
Ken Hooper Telegraph, Nick Greiner, Hooper Communications.
Celia Horgan 3UZ, Nine, Stratcom.
Adam Kilgour AAP, Nick Bolkus, Communications & Public Relations.
Kate Lenthall/Kerrison AAP, Age, Kortlang.
Liza-Jane Locke ABC Radio, Wayne Goss, Kortlang, James Hardie, Hawker Britten.
John MacGregor ABC, John Fahey, Edelman.
Nick Maher Courier Mail, Qld Liberal Party, Jeff Kennett, Hill & Knowlton.
Karen Maley SMH, Australian Financial Review, Easson Maley Caldon (EMC).
Neil McCarthy Leader Newspapers, Communications & Public Relations.
Anthony McClelland ABC, Witness, own firm.
Ross McSwain Herald, Wayne Goss, International Public Relations, self.
John Miner Newcastle Herald, Cain, Paul Keating, own firm.
Libby Moffatt Telegraph to Australian Financial Review, Moffatt & Gray.
Geoff Mort somewhere, Ian Sinclair, West Australian, Pat McNamara, Calkain & Co.
Alan Oakley Telegraph, Herald Sun, Buchan Communications.
Patricia Oakley ABC, Refshauge, own firm.
Andrew Parker Australian, John Hewson, Parker and Partners.
Col Parkes one of the Sydney dailies, Bob Hawke, Hill & Knowlton.
Tania Price AAP, Herald Sun, Jeff Kennett, Kortlang.
Bob Pritchard Herald & Weekly Times, News Ltd, various agencies, AMP, own firm.
Peter Ryan ABC, IPR Shandwick.
Janet Saunders Australian Financial Review, Burson Marstellar, own firm
Joe Scard Seven, Peter Cook, Kim Beazley, ACT (NZ), Kortlang.
Jane Singleton ABC, Jane Singleton PR.
Ian Smith Adelaide Advertiser, SA Libs, Kennett, Kortlang.
Linda Smith News Ltd, PMP, Stratcom.
Mike Smith Age editor, IPR Shandwick.
Joyce Thompson AAP, Hill & Knowlton.
James Tonkin Adelaide News, Melbourne Herald, News Ltd London, Sunday Herald Sun, Jeff Kennett, Victorian Police Commissioner, Kortlang.
Mark Triffitt AAP, Jeff Kennett, Kortlang.
Paul White ABC 7.30 Report, National Nine News, his own company.
Helen Willoughby somewhere, Craig Knowles, Hill & Knowlton.
David Wilson Age, IPR Shandwick.
Nada Vlatko 2GB, Senator Vicki Bourne (Democrats), Singleton
Susan Wood somewhere, Seven, own firm.


<!– –>Journalists Now In Corporate/Govt Affairs Positions (via political offices and PR agencies where relevant)


Bram Alexander Border Mail, Sun News Pictorial, ABC TV, Victorian Health Department.
Shari Armistead AAP, Channel Ten, Channel Nine, NSW Health, Wendy Edmond (Qld ALP)
Hugo Armstrong ABC, Telstra, Powercor.
Eric Aubert Newcastle Herald, Energy Australia.
Gayle Austen Age, IPR, BHP, Foster’s, Commonwealth Funds Management.
Liam Bathgate AAP, Ian Sinclair, Transfield, NSW National Party, Tennix.
Simon Baulderstone Age, Bob Hawke, Australian Conservation Foundation, Paul Keating, SOCOG.
Aileen Berry Herald Sun, News Ltd corporate affairs.
Gerard Brown Australian, Robert Ray, Ciba Geigy, Allen Consulting, ANZ.
Andrew Butcher Herald Sun, News Corp corporate affairs in New York..
Peter Cairns Melbourne Herald, Amcor.
Milton Cockburn Sydney Morning Herald, Neville Wran, Sydney Morning Herald, SOCOG.
Joseph Dowling Australian Financial Review, Courier Mail, Suncorp-Metway.
Alister Drysdale Sun News Pictorial, Royce PR, Malcolm Fraser, Tobacco Institute,Andrew Peacock, John Elliott, John Olsen, Alan Brown, Jeff Kennett, Tattersalls.
Tim Duncan Bulletin, Alan Brown, Philip Morris, Australian, Dick Pratt, Rio Tinto.
Jeremy Flint Age, Australian Financial Review, Rothmans Phillipines.
Mark Furness Australian, Australian Financial Review, Foxtel.
David Gazard Bloomberg, News Ltd, John Howard, Westpac.
Wayne Geddes 2WS, Bob Collins, NSW State Rail.
Fiona Gillies Sunday Herald Sun, Jeff Kennett, Victorian Health Department.
Tony Gray Business Review Weekly, Dick Pratt.
David Grearson Age, Herald Sun, CS First Boston.
Gervase Green Age, Sunday Herald, Lionel Bowen (Fed ALP), Age, Australian Stock Exchange.
Peter Grimshaw Telegraph, Bruce Baird (NSW Lib), Star City Casino.
Robert Hadler Treasury, EPAC, Peter Durack, Australian, ANZ, National Farmers’ Federation, Goodman Fielder.
Nick Harford Leader, Darryl Williams, Dick Pratt.
Susie vamdemHeuvel somewhere, Federal Health PR.
John Hine Melbourne Sun, Buchan Communications, Pacific Dunlop.
Geoff Hole Shipping News, Telegraph, Westfield.
Michelle Innis AAP, Macquarie Bank.
Prue Innis Age, Victorian Supreme Court
Lisa Jamieson Herald Sun, Macquarie Bank.
David Jones TV, Nick Greiner, Medical Benefits Fund.
Robert Kenny 2UE, Police Commissioner Peter Ryan.
Carl Kitchen The Sun News Pictorial, BHP, Mayne Nickless.
Mark Lever AAP, Michael Lavarch, AAP, NRMA.
Patrick Lyons Herald Sun, Mitsubishi.
Peter Manning ABC, Seven, Seven Network PR.
Randal Markey West Australian, Australian Business Ltd.
Liz McGrath Seven, Sky, Foxtel, Telstra, Goodman Fielder.
David McLachlan 2UE/John Laws, John Fahey, ComBank.
Rod Metcalfe Australian Financial Review, Westpac, Sydney Water, somewhere.
Roseanne Michie Sun News Pictorial, Sunday Herald, Telstra, Tennis Australia, own firm.
Karen Munsie AAP, PR Agency, Goodman Fielder, MBA.
Grant Nihill Tizer, Bob Hawke, Telstra.
Justin O’Brien Ballarat Courier, Senator Lyn Allison to Gundjehmi Corp.
Sandra Olsen Telegraph, Jackson Wells, Energy Australia.
Garry O’Neil Australian, ABC, Kim Beazeley, Crown Casino.
John O’Neil Page One, 7.30 Report, Sydney Morning Herald, Michael Egan, SOCOG.
Bernard O’Riordan Australian Financial Review, Qantas.
Bruce Phillips ABC in London, Australian Federal Court.
Michael Pirrie Age, Herald Sun, Channel 9, St Vincents, MCC, SOCOG.
Jock Rankin ABC TV, Financial Planners’ Association, Property Council of Australia
Matthew Russell Sydney Morning Herald, Docklands Authority, Macquarie Bank.
Mark Ryan The Sun, John Cain, Paul Keating, Australian Republican Movement, Westfield.
Russell Schneider News Ltd, Reg Withers (Fed Lib), Australian, Health Insurance Association.
Michael Sharp Sydney Morning Herald, Kortlang, Westfield.
John Short Treasury, Australian, Malcolm Mackellar, Australian, HSBC, Australian, Westpac.
Michael Spencer Capital 7 Canberra, Seven, Rob Jolly, John Cain, Joan Kirner, BHP.
Katherine Teh Age, Australian, North, WMC, own firm.
Jeremy Thompson Canberra Times, ABC, Seven, Federal Health Department.
Simon Troeth News Ltd, Downer, Campbell, Kortlang, Geoff Prosser (Fed Lib), Electricity Association.
Graham Walker Melbourne Sun, Steve Crabb (Vic Labor), Environment Department.
Karina Watson Somewhere, Jim Kennan (Vic Labor), Coles Myer.
Tony Wells ABC radio, BHP
Katrina Willis AAP, SBS, Environment Australia.
Richard Willis Channel 10 Melbourne, Hard Copy, Channel 10 Sydney, North Limited.
Paul Willoughby Adelaide Advertiser, Robert Tickner, Mark Scully (NSW Labor), Olympics.
Peter Witts Australian, Telstra.
Steve Wright Sun News Pictorial, Telstra.


Journalists Now In Corporate/Govt Affairs Positions (via political offices and PR agencies where relevant)


John Alexander SMH, ACP CEO.
Chris Anderson Fairfax, Optus CEO.
Eric Beecher SMH, Melb Herald, Text Media CEO.
Fred Brenchley AFR, Fairfax management, Oz, AFR, Bulletin.
John Byrne Melb Sun, various mining cos.
Ian Carroll ABC, ABC datacasting chief.
Phil Chubb ABC, own company.
Malcolm Colless News Ltd to News Ltd.
Michael Costello somewhere, DFAT chief, ASX deputy, Beazley.
Ian Cross ABC, Lonely Planet TV.
Garry Davey Adelaide Advertiser, STAR TV CEO.
Geoff Dixon somewhere, No two at Qantas.
Bruce Dover Melbourne Herald, News Interactive.
Ian Forsyth ABC, TAC, Norwich Union retail chief.
Josh Frith Australian, internet company.
Ian Frykberg Nine, Sky, Super League, own business.
Margaret Gee Age, publishing.
Michael Gill AFR, Fairfax Business Publications.
Hugh Girner BRW, InvestorWeb board.
Robert Gottliebsen AFR, Chairman BRW Media.
Steve Harris Age, HWT, Age CEO.
John Hartigan Daily Telegraph, News Editorial Chief.
David Hickie SMH, own company.
Les Hinton Adelaide Advertiser, News International CEO.
Michael Hoy somewhere, dep CEO Fairfax, boards.
Greg Hywood AFR, SMH.
Heather Killen AFR, Yahoo.
David Koch Various, Money Management.
Peter Maher BRW, mining cos.
Mark Maley Four Corners, Investorweb.
Roy Miller Sunday Herald Sun, Gold Coast Bulletin GM.
Tom Mockeridge SMH, Keating, Foxtel CEO.
Grahame Morris Murrumbidgee Irrigator, Border Mail, News Ltd, various Lib secretariat positions, Downer, Howard, News Ltd.
Mark Ryan Melb Sun, Westfield Marketing.
Michael Schildberger ABC, listed company.
Stuart Simson The Age, Simson Media.
Chris Skase AFR, Majorca.
Max Suich Independent Monthly, Optus, somewhere.
Greg Taylor Age, Age CEO.
David Walker Age, echoice Content director.
Max Walsh AFR, Broadcom, Ten board, SMH to Bulletin.
Michael Wilkinson Melb Herald, publishing.
Peter Wylie Daily Mirror, GM Adelaide Advertiser.


The Lily-white veterans. Non-subbing & Non-Sports Journalists With More Than 15 Years’ Experience & No Propaganda Experiments Or Media Training


Tony Allan  
David Armstrong the Australian
Paul Austen  
Mark Baker  
Paul Barry Channel 7, the ABC
Stephen Bartholomeusz  
Michael Beach  
John Beveridge  
Peter Blunden the Herald-Sun
Pamela Bone the Age
Paul Bongiorno Channel 10,
Glenn Burge  
Shane Burke  
Richard Carleton ABC, Channel 9
Mike Carlton  
Vic Carroll  
Nick Cater  
Michael Cave  
Peter Cave  
Pilita Clark Sydney Morning Herald, the Eye
Peter Cole-Adams  
Mark Colvin  
Lyall Corless  
David Dale  
Ken Davidson the Age
Mark Day the Australian
Frank Devine the Australian
Tim Dodd  
Brendan Donohue 3AW
Glenn Dyer  
Glenn Dyner  
Barry Fitzgerald  
David Fitzsimmons  
Peter Flaherty  
Brian Frith  
Peter Game  
Phil Gardner  
Shelley Gare the Australian
Ross Gittins the Age
Robert Gottliebsen BRW
Michelle Grattan the Financial Review
Shane Green  
Ross Greenwood  
Bruce Guthrie the Age
Gideon Haigh the Eye
Peter Harvey  
Derryn Hinch Channel 7, 3AW
Judith Hoare  
Malcolm Holland  
Steve Howard  
Ian Howarth  
John Hurst  
Roger Johnston  
Tony Jones the ABC
Paul Kelly the Australian
Geoff Kitney  
Christopher Kremmer  
Anne Lampe  
Deb Light  
Ian Lovett  
John Lyons  
Malcolm Maiden  
Mel Mansell  
David Marr the National Times, the Sydney Morning Herald
Ray Martin Channel 9
Brett McCarthy  
Helen McCombie  
Terry McCrann the Herald-Sun, the Australian
Phil McLean  
Geoff McMullan Channel 9
Peter Meakin  
Glen Milne the Australian, Channel 7
Chris Mitchell  
Neil Mitchell the Herald, 3AW
Ian Moore  
Mark Morri  
Linda Morris  
Paul Mullins  
Mike Munro Channel 9
George Negus ABC
Sally Neighbour the ABC
Laurie Nowell  
Laurie Oakes Channel 9
Tom Ormonde  
Richard Owen  
Giles Parkinson  
Tony Parkinson the Age
Michael Pascoe  
Janine Perrett  
Ben Potter  
Campbell Reid the Australian
Ros Reines  
Deborah Richards  
Ivor Ries  
Hugh Riminton Channel 9
Brian Robbins  

Colleen Ryan

Brad Schmidt  
Mal Schmidtke  
Liz Sexton  
Errol Simper the Australian
Russell Skelton the ABC, the Age
Vickie Smiles  
Paul Smith  
Geoff Stead  
Tony Stephens the Age
Michael Stutchbury  
Candy Sutton  
Trevor Sykes  
Brian Toohey the National Times
John Trevorrow  
Max Walsh the Bulletin
Chris Webb  
Jana Wendt Channel 9, Channel 7
John Westacott  
Mark Westfield  
Marion Wilkinson  
Peter Wilkinson  
Pam Williams  
Bruce Wilson  
John Wilson.  
Peter Wilson  
Charles Wooley Channel 9
Tony Wright the Age


Former Editors



Piers Akerman Advertiser and Herald Sun to Telegraph columnist
John Alexander SMH to ACP CEO
Bruce Baskett Melb Herald to ??????
Eric Beecher SMH and Melb Herald to Text Media CEO
Creighton Burns Age to ????
Les Carlyon Age to Bulletin columnist
Vic Carroll SMH to author
Milton Cockburn SMH to SOCOG media director
Michael Davey Age to ?????
Mark Day Australian to media columnist
Frank Devine Australian to columnist
Colin Duck Melb Sun to chairman Geelong Newspapers
Alan Farrally Australian to ??????
Robert Gottliebsen BRW to chairan BRW Media
Ross Greenwood BRW to English magazine
Steve Harris Herald Sun to AGE CEO
John Hartigan Daily Telegraph to News editorial director
David Hickie SMH to own business
Pat Hinton Melb Herald to Hinton & Assoc PR
Les Hollings Australian to columnist
Greg Hywood AFR to SMH CEO
Paul Kelly Australian to Oz International Editor
Alan Kohler AFR and Age to ABC reporter and AFR columnist
John Lyons SMH to Bulletin national correspondent
Paddy McGuinness AFR to SMH columnist
Roy Miller Sunday Telegraph to GM Gold Cost Bulletin
Neil Mitchell Melb Herald to 3AW morning host
Ian Moore Sunday Herald Sun to Telegraph editorial writer
Gerard Noonan AFR to MEAA super fund
Alan Oakley Herald Sun to Buchan Communications
Peter Robinson AFR to Sun Herald columnist
Mike Smith Age to IPR Shandwick chairman
Bruce Stannard Oz Business to Howard speeches to ????
Trevor Sykes Aus Business to AFR columnist
David Uren BRW to Oz columnist
Peter Wylie Daily Mirror to Adelaide Advertiser GM