The next ‘cab off the rank’ by our fly on the beatie wall.

Minister most likely to have had the dog eat their homework: Dean Wells

Minister most popular with the Queensland press gallery: Anna Bligh (Families Youth and Community Care)

Minister with the worst dress sense: Matt Foley (Attorney-General)

Minister most likely to be sporting a black eye: Rob Schwarten (Public Works and Housing)

Most consistently entertaining Minister: Rob Schwarten

Minister most respected by colleagues: Terry Mackenroth (Minister for Everything)

Minister colleagues would least like to have their backs turned to: Jim Elder (Deputy Premier)

Minister whose performance tops the better than most people expected list: Merri Rose (Tourism)

Minister with the highest staff turnover: David Hamill (Treasurer)

Minister with the worst temper: Tony McGrady (Mines and Energy)

Minister most likely to break into song after a few libations: David Hamill

Most earnest Minister: Henry Palaszczuk (Primary Industries)

Minister with the most disliked staffers: Dean Wells

Minister for short(ish) skirts, long legs and stockings: Merri Rose

Minister most likely to call a spade a fucking shovel: Jim Elder

Minister most likely to be at the centre of a political shit-fight: Rod Welford (Environment, Heritage and Natural Resources)

Minister for good news: Premier Peter Beattie

Minister for bad news: anyone but Peter Beattie

Minister in charge of looking harried and stressed: Wendy Edmond (Health)

Minister with the toughest portfolio: Paul Braddy (Employment – or unemployment as the case may be – Training and Industrial Relations)

Minister most likely to interject: Rob Schwarten

Minister most likely to receive less media coverage than the antics of their press secretary: Stephen Robertson (Emergency Services)