We’re more than half way through the AGM season and still very keen to be appointed your proxy to attend some of the meetings coming up in the next three weeks, especially given that lots of dodgy companies have their meetings at the end of season.

And there are a whole bunch of colorful companies that delay their meeting until the last possible minute so we’d love to put them under some much-deserved pressure.

If you need an address just use PO Box 2095, Templestowe Heights 3107 and below is the full list of upcoming meetings with explanation as to why we’re interested in going.

27 Nov, Mon

Avatar Industries, 10am, Museum of Sydney, cnr Bridge & Philip Sts. A real flea-blown dog that we’re keen to visit if anyone has shares. Avatar is a big skeleton rattling in Trevor Eastwood’s closet.

Cranswick Premium Wines, 4pm, Westin Hotel, Melbourne. Boring meeting, good wine. Former Adsteam finance man Colin Henson is up for re-election so want to check him out.

Centaur Mining & Exploration, 10am, Parmelia Hilton, Mill St, Perth. Control temporarily moved to to Anaconda in Perth but Joe Gutnick is now back in control of those smouldering ruin and is up for re-election. Stephen Mayne is sadly a shareholder, just need proxy to turn up and ask the obvious questions about destruction of shareholder value.

Club Crocodile, 3.30pm, River Queens, 1 Eagle St, Brisbane. Great shareholder discounts, pity about the share price.

Infosentials, Minter Ellison offices, Rialto Tower. Michael Shildberger’s group and one that I’m keen to go to, especially after controversial Webster Publishing acquisition. Have just bought in and will be going.

28 Nov, Tues

NRMA Insurance, 4pm, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour.Stephen Mayne attending as shareholder and candidate in the vague hope of surfing a wave of anti-Whitlam sentiment onto the board.

Haoma Mining, 11am, Roy Morgan Centre, Collins St, Melbourne. With both Gary Morgan and John Elliott on this board it is always fine. Even Felicity Kennett is a former shareholder. Just bought in so will be attending as a shareholder.

Australian Topmakers, 11am, Hotel Intercontinental, Sydney. Good one for woolgrowers.

Terraplanet.com, 2pm, level 5, 16 Barrack St, Sydney. Media dotcom stock so we want to get there. Any shareholders out there?

National Forge, 2.30pm, ASX Theatrette, 530 Collins St, Melbourne. Boring but not small so let’s go.

Optecom, level 27, KPMG Centre, 45 Clarence St. Colorful dotcom. Any takers.

Joe White Maltings, noon, Dallas Brooks Hall, Melbourne. Gary Weiss should be there so keen to a proxy and someone to attend.

Cash Converters, 3pm, The West Oz Club, 104 St George’s Tce, Perth

Oakton Computing, 10am, ASX Melbourne, 530 Collins St. Jeepers, this sounds like a Melbourne IT company, better get there.

Wet Dreams Ltd, 10am, Holiday Inn, 778 Hay St, WA. Best-named stock so we’d like someone there to find out what they do.

Bisan Ltd, 3pm, level 20, 500 Collins St. Good name so let’s check it out.

29 Nov, Wed

Solution 6, 10am, Wentworth Hotel, Sydney. Picked the bottom with this having paid 90c so will be attending as a shareholder. Should be very colorful given the plunge from $18 and all the stuff about two bags Tyler.

NRMA Ltd (the mutual), 10am, Sydney Convention Centre. Meeting to change name back National Roads and Motorists Association and to reduce the board from 16 to 12. Here, here. Stephen Mayne attending as a policyholder.

Ariadne 10am, Heritage Hotel, Brisbane

Canbet, Canberra Racecourse, Lyneham, ACT. The directors want approval to issue 50m options. Big number in a colorful industry. Any public servants keen to go and ask some questions.

MultiEMedia, 3pm, Melbourne ASX, Steve Vizard is up for re-election and have just bought in so will be attending. These guys own 25 per cent of Sportsview.com which has tied up internet development rights for six AFL clubs.

Strategic Pooled Development, 11am, level 23, 525 Collins, St, Melbourne. The investment vehicle of Graham Samuel and Andrew Kroger so keen to get amongst it.

Scanbox Asia Pacific, 10am, level 3, 72 Pitt St, Sydney. Interesting name, anyone want to go?

Newtel, 3pm, 22 Hasler Rd, Hersman, Perth. Colorful new telco. Want proxy and attender.

SME Growth, 10am, level 5, 14 Martin Place, Sydney. Maybe should be renamed SME Shrink fund given performance. Anyone shareholders interested in going?

IBA Technologies, 10.30am, ANA Hotel, Sydney. Chairman Gary Cohen wants 4.5 million options at $1.30 and we want someone to ask him why?

Yates Ltd, 11am, Four Points Sheraton, Darling Harbour. Stan Howard, John’s brother, is for re-election in this stock that Felicity Kennett made about $8000 on in the 1993 float. Going as Yanis Avotins proxy.

Geo2, 11am, ASX Melbourne, 530 Collins St.

World.Net Services, 11am, Avillion Hotel, 389 Pitt St, Sydney. With such a grand name it should be great AGM. Any takers?

Takoradi, 10.30am, Wentworth Hotel, Sydney. Old Skase mate Ted Harris is up for re-election here so may as well pop along and find out what they do.

Redflex Holdings, 2.30pm, ASX Melb, 530 Collins St. Good old Mal Fraser is up for re-election so better ask him a couple of questions. They want to up directors fees from 45k to 200k which seems rather excessive. Any shareholders willing to give us a proxy?

Amskam, 3.30pm, HRL, 577 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave. This is the stock that Kennett got set in on the hope of Transurban taking on its tolling technology. Went under but is now listed again and Chris Thomas is up for re-election. Keen to go if can find shareholder who’ll appoint us a proxy.

30 Nov, Thurs

M2M Corp, 3.30pm, level 23, Rialto South Tower, Melbourne. Nothing else on so will turn up if can get a proxy. Anyone know what they do?

Realestate.com.au, 9am, Grace Hotel, 77 York St, Sydney.

Sino Securities, 4pm, level 3, 43 Queen St, Melbourne. These are the guys who fixed Jeff and Felicity up with 50,000 Quangdong shares. Colorful poker machine shuffler Bruce Mathieson is chairman and we’ll be there as a shareholder or proxy to ask him a few pertinent questions for old times sake.

Market Facts, 10am, Museum of Sydney. One of the biggest dogs on the market. Worth putting some pressure on.

Telco Australia, 10am, 320 Adelaide St, Brisbane. Grand name, bad share price. Any nibbles for this one?

Recruitment Solutions, 3pm, Grace Hotel, Sydney. A growth industry so worth a look.

Molopo Australia, 10am, level 14, 31 Queen St, Melbourne. A favourite dog stock of Herald Sun business editor John Beveridge so should pop along to find out more about it.

5 Dec, Tues

Ten Network, 10am, Sheraton on the Park, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

George Weston Foods, 11am, NSW State Library. Keen to go as proxy.

Foodland Associated, Perth.

11 Dec, Mon:

David Jones: 10am, Wesley Centre. Stephen Mayne attending as shareholder and board candidate chasing same 35 per cent shopping discount that directors get. The new wife is really pushing hard on this one but the board have outrageously censored the platform.

12 Dec, Tues

Keycorp, 10am, Westin Hotel, Sydney. Going as shareholder to ask questions about the Telstra takeover.

14 Dec, Thurs

National Australia Bank, 10am, Melbourne Convention Centre. Attending as proxy and standing for board on activist funds management ticket so would love your votes.

Nufarm, 10am, Duxton Hotel, 328 Flinders La, Melbourne. Big Kiwi chemical company that has moved Down Under.

15 Dec, Fri

Analytica, 9.30am, Eden on the Park, 6 Queens Rd, Melbourne. Peter Jonson up for re-election. Keen for someone to have a look.

ANZ, 10am, Melbourne Concert Hall. Stephen Mayne free to go but need proxy.

HIH Insurance, 4pm, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, Sydney. The timing of this is the latest disgraceful effort by this teetering insurer. As a shareholder I’ll be there with bells on.

St George, 10am, Wesley Centre, Sydney. Keen to go as a proxy to ask about their passive funds management and all the money being lost in the Gil Hoskins outfit Wealth Point (formerly Bourse Data).

Westpac, Sydney. Keen to strongly oppose an amendment to the constitution that would allow the board to unilaterally decide a maximum number of directors even though the constritution says 15 is the limit. This is designed to keep outsiders like Crikey off the board.

18 Dec, Mon

Permanent Trustee, 3pm, level 9, Grosvenor Place, 225 George St, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

19 Dec, Tues

Lion Nathan, 2pm, Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

20 Dec, Wed

CBD Online, 3pm, Le Meridien Hotel, Melbourne. John Hewson is on this little minnow so keen to go as someone’s proxy.

21 Dec, Thurs

Orica, 10am, Sydney Town Hall. These guys have halved the share price in three years and we’ll be there as a proxy putting the pressure on along with the ASA which is mounting a strong campaign for change.

Harvey World Travel, 2pm, Hotel Intercontinental, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

22 Dec, Fri

Liberty One, Sydney. Nick Whitlam’s final effort before he bows out $1 million the poorer.

15 February

Axa Australia, Melbourne. Keen to stand for the board on an activist funds management platform but need a shareholder to nominate me.

Give us a hand

Enough jesting, we have a major logistical job in front of us so please get in touch if you want to attend any meetings as our proxy or appoint us your proxy for meetings. We’ll be updating this as we go so keep any eye out for what we still need and let us know any meetings we’ve missed.

Don’t forget that anyone who provides us with a sole proxy that gets us into a meeting gets a free 12-month subscription and anyone who turns up at a meeting and asks questions for us gets two free subs.

It’s almost as good as winning the lottery so let’s crank it up and send in those emails to smayne@crikey.com.au. Also, if you want to appoint me as your proxy somewhere, the best address is:

PO Box 2095 Templestowe Heights 3107

Cheers, SM