The AGM season for 2000 is largely over but there are still plenty of fun and games to be had at upcoming meetings so check out the calendar and see where you could help out.

Apart from a couple of stragglers such as Sharon Austen and HIH Insurance, that’s it for the June 30 balance day companies.

You can see how it quietens down when considering that there are only 72 meetings in total in December.

Below is a list of the best ones and we’re still very keen to get to their AGMs and ask plenty of questions. At this point we still need proxies for Permanent Trustee, Lion Nathan, Oroton International, Westpac and St George if anyone has these.

Also, if anyone is an Axa Australia or Lang Corp shareholder we’d be keen to hear for them as we toss up whether to nominate for their boards in time for the AGMs in February. Anyway, below is the list of upcoming meetings.

5 Dec, Tues

Ten Network, 10am, Sheraton on the Park, Sydney. Missed it.

George Weston Foods, 11am, NSW State Library. Missed it.

Foodland Associated, Perth. Missed it.

6 Dec, Wed

CTI Communications, 10am, Wesley Centre, 220 Pitt St, Sydney. Will attend if court case is finished in time.

11 Dec, Mon:

David Jones: 10am, Wesley Centre. Stephen Mayne attending as shareholder and board candidate chasing same 35 per cent shopping discount that directors get. The new wife is really pushing hard on this one but the board have outrageously censored the platform.

12 Dec, Tues

Keycorp, 10am, Westin Hotel, Sydney. Going as shareholder to ask questions about the Telstra takeover which is now 50 per cent over the current share price.

14 Dec, Thurs

National Australia Bank, 10am, Melbourne Convention Centre. Attending as proxy and standing for board on activist funds management ticket so would love your votes.

Nufarm, 10am, Duxton Hotel, 328 Flinders La, Melbourne. Big Kiwi chemical company that has moved Down Under.

AMP Office Trust, 10am, Darling Park, 201 Sussex St, Sydney. Any takers. These units could have performed better. Are the management fees way too high?

15 Dec, Fri

Analytica, 9.30am, Eden on the Park, 6 Queens Rd, Melbourne. Peter Jonson up for re-election. Keen for someone to have a look.

ANZ, 10am, Melbourne Concert Hall. Keen for someone to go and ask when they are going to become a more active fund manager.

HIH Insurance, 4pm, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, Sydney. The timing of this is the latest disgraceful effort by this teetering insurer. As a shareholder I’ll be there with bells on.

St George, 10am, Wesley Centre, Sydney. Keen to go as a proxy to ask about their passive funds management and all the money being lost in the Gil Hoskins outfit Wealth Point (formerly Bourse Data).

Westpac, Sydney. Keen to strongly oppose an amendment to the constitution that would allow the board to unilaterally decide a maximum number of directors even though the constritution says 15 is the limit. This is designed to keep outsiders like Crikey off the board.

Sharon Austen, 10.30am, Grace Hotel, 77 York St, Sydney. Stephen Mayne going as a shareholder to ask the former brothel madam what’s happening in the sex trade and why is the share price underwater.

18 Dec, Mon

Permanent Trustee, 3pm, level 9, Grosvenor Place, 225 George St, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

19 Dec, Tues

Lion Nathan, 2pm, Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

RM Williams, 11.30am, company office, Salisbury, Adelaide. EGM but still worth going to harass tired old Kenny Cowley

20 Dec, Wed

CBD Online, 3pm, Le Meridien Hotel, Melbourne. John Hewson is on this little minnow so keen to go as someone’s proxy.

21 Dec, Thurs

Orica, 10am, Sydney Town Hall. These guys have halved the share price in three years and we’ll be there as a proxy putting the pressure on along with the ASA which is mounting a strong campaign for change.

Harvey World Travel, 2pm, Hotel Intercontinental, Sydney. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

22 Dec, Fri

Liberty One, Sydney. Nick Whitlam’s final effort before he bows out $1 million the poorer.

Australand, Sydney. EGM to approve preference share raising. Stephen Mayne going as Paula Piccinini’s proxy to ask about all their dodgy political donations.

27 Dec, Wed

Access1, 10am, l46, 19-29 Maring Pl, Sydney. Stephen Mayne available to go as someone’s proxy.

6 Feb, 2001

Freedom Group, 10.30am, 3 Apollo Pl, Lane Cove, Sydney. Former Lang Corp group retailer. Keen to go as someone’s proxy.

Lang Corp, 10am, ASX Theatrette, Sydney. Stephen Mayne available to go but need proxy to ask about the corporate welfare that saw these guys get $250 million off the government to pay for redundancies. The stock price has quadrupled since they beat the wharfies into submission with taxpayers funded packages.

15 February

Axa Australia, Melbourne. Keen to stand for the board on an activist funds management platform but need a shareholder to nominate me.