The real value to Crikey subscribers is our 600,000 word archive and the emails we send out to our 1050 subscribers each day.

On Tuesday morning we updated subscribers on a range of stories including Stuart Littlemore’s attack on The Oz, the Optus takeover, more victories for the gaming lobby, the fallacy of independent stockbroking analysts and the madness of Nigel Freemarijuana.

On Monday morning we updated subscribers on six new stories and issues such as Robb Hulls’s illness, the 3AW register of commercial interests and Richard Li’s fake degree.

At midday on Friday last week we emailed subscribers pointing out the heavy links between the banks and the Liberal Party, how the Herald Sun fell for the spindoctors line on gambling taxes in Victoria and that the first sackings are already under way at 2UE after the Southern Cross Broadcasting takeover.

At midday on Thursday last week we emailed subscribers explaining the heavy Liberal politics of Southern Cross Broadcasting which has now bought 2UE and might just sack Alan Jones and John Laws.

At 3pm on Wednesday last week we sent a detailed email about Kerry Packer’s cash payments from property developer Brian Ray, the man who gave former Tourism Minister John Brown a free apartment which the tax office now wants its share of.

At 3pm on Tuesday last week we sent an email to subscribers explaining a hilarious encounter between the PM and Crikey’s grandma in a Brisbane nursing home today. The email also unveiled our plans for the MCC election and a detailed calendar of upcoming AGMs.

At midday on Tuesday last week we sent out a detailed analysis of the BHP-Billiton merger. It is not nearly as rosy as some of the breathless headlines made out this morning.

At 8.30am on Monday, March 19, we sent a sealed section to subscribers which dealt with the impending demise of Stan Howard’s corporate career and John Howard’s political career.

We’ve written before about Stan Howard’s dreadful second career as a professional director and subscribers can read all about it in the archive which can be found here.

If you’re not a subscriber and want to receive our daily emailed sealed section updates, click here.