Shareholders’s AGM, Ray Williams largesse and Shareholders’ Association AGM

On June 1 they were sent a detailed email on proxy battle and controversy that broke out at the AGM of the Melbourne Press Club.

And the updates sent on May 29 covered the following topics:

The $10m Ray Williams gave to the Garvin Institute.

Mr Hypothetical Geoffrey Robertson acting against Joe Gutnick.

The colorful history of Eddie McGuire’s colorful Collingwood running mate and FAI executive Brad Cooper.

The list of journalists who do media training and double dip with two outlets.

The exclusive update from the adjourned Shareholders’ Association AGM.

The real value in Crikey is now in the sealed sections as we save our best stuff for the email. If you’re not a subscriber and want to receive our daily emailed sealed section updates, prepare to part with $55 and click here.

Previous emails included details of Hugo Kelly’s sneaky on air fight with Neil Mitchell and the last ever British America Tobacco Australasia AGM chaired by NSW Premier Nick Greiner. We’ve also updated on the first ever ABC shareholders meeting in front of 11,000 at the Opera House on Sunday.

Recent emails have also covered the following topics:

  • Ron Walker’s resignation as chairman of the Victorian Major Events Corporation, to be replaced by someone else with just as many conflicts of interest, comedian Steve Vizard.
  • Our Chris Murphy defamation settlement, the Darwin to Alice railway white elephant, Packer’s new CEO, George Pell’s spindoctors, Michael Knight’s new job and a list of sporting heavyweights who got into trouble on the booze.
  • Stuart Littlemore’s attack on The Oz, the Optus takeover, more victories for the gaming lobby, the fallacy of independent stockbroking analysts and the madness of Nigel Freemarijuana.
  • Robb Hulls’s illness, the 3AW register of commercial interests and Richard Li’s fake degree.
  • The heavy links between the banks and the Liberal Party, how the Herald Sun fell for the spindoctors line on gambling taxes in Victoria and that the first sackings are already under way at 2UE after the Southern Cross Broadcasting takeover.
  • The heavy Liberal politics of Southern Cross Broadcasting which has now bought 2UE and might just sack Alan Jones and John Laws.
  • Kerry Packer’s cash payments from property developer Brian Ray, the man who gave former Tourism Minister John Brown a free apartment which the tax office now wants its share of.
  • A hilarious encounter between the PM and Crikey’s grandma in a Brisbane nursing home and our plans for the MCC election and a detailed calendar of upcoming AGMs.

And last year we carried the following sealed section which are available in our archive:

  • Nick Whitlam’s dodgy stitch up at NRMA AGM
  • Costello’s mate David Knott goes after Big John Elliott
  • What happened at Boral and One.Tel AGMs
  • How we helped force Steve Vizard’s resignation from Telstra
  • Kerry Stokes and his mysterious love life
  • The infamous Daily Telegraph hit list
  • How the Commonwealth Bank stuffed up its board elections
  • Steve Vizard’s growing bank balance, enemy list and conflicts of interest
  • Kerry Packer shooting at a chopper carrying Paul Keating
  • Bob Hawke’s $80,000 in free suits
  • Shane Warne’s off-field antics
  • The tabloid editor having an affair with his secretary
  • The chairman who passed off his children by his lover as his own grandchildren
  • Felicity Kennett’s song for an injured dog
  • What Col Allan does in his sink
  • The complete Rash Long debacle over Media Flash
  • The restaurant fight between Piers Akerman and John Singleton
  • Kerry Packer and Heidi Fleiss
  • The real story of Looksmart found Evan Thornley
  • Paul Keating’s millions from Colonial
  • Why Rupert Murdoch hates Ron Walker
  • Rupert Hamer’s complaints about the Kennetts
  • 3AW’s connection to a $100 million taxpayer loss
  • The corporate battle behind the Stan and Tracey debacle