No-one has really done a proper job exploring the relationship between journalists and the Labor Party until now. Hang on for the ride as this will be a very interesting debate when the full extent of the links are property explored in this new Crikey list.

With Labor looking set to sweep to power everywhere in Australia, the numbers of journos working for Labor government will hit record levels. Before the change of governments Federally and in South Australia we want to get a fist on exactly who are the journos currently spinning for or advising Labor governments. Thanks to the help of some subscribers, we’ve put together a reasonably comprehensive list but would love your additions. Anyone who can come up with five new names gets a free sub. Obviously we need to fill in a few gaps Federally and in places like Tasmania, South Australia and Darwin.

Rest assured that we will be doing other lists that get stuck into the Libs, One Nation, the Democrats and Greens, but this is a worthwhile list to build. Crikey estimates that about 80 per cent of working journalists vote Labor. Afterall, despite the efforts of Packer and Murdoch, we are still largely a unionised profession. Crikey is a member of the MEAA and one thing we’re keen to find out is whether the MEAA has kicked any campaign funds the way of Labor in recent years.

Journalists also tend to have a far greater exposure to social misfortune and this does tend to harden their resolve for redistributing wealth to help the disadvantaged. There are some notable exceptions and none more notable than Tony Abbott, who worked for The Bulletin nad The Australian. Journalists also have a lot of power, see their names up in light and enjoy the perks of their jobs so this too helps gravitate them towards the political process.

Journalists are also a very gregarious bunch because their profession requires them to engage with people and extract information. From my experience, Labor Party types are far more sociable than their Liberal counterparts and a drinking session in the pub is often more interesting and entertaining with Laborites. Maybe this too is a contributor to the growing nexus between journalists and the Labor Party.

There is no way the Liberal Party could ever find more than 100 journalists across the country to sell their souls and becoming political spinners. You just have to look at the quality of Liberal spinners over the years to see that the journalism profession do not like the Liberal Party as a whole. Tony O’Leary was a third-rate hack on the Herald Sun in the Canberra bureau back when Crikey was spinning for Jeff Kennett and Alan Stockdale. Now he’s the PM’s press doyen and is a fabulous example of the press gallery not throwing up any willing Liberal flacks. Howard tried to shake Glenn Milne lose from the Seven Network a couple of times but failed and has had to put up with O’Leary.

By the way, subscribers can read Hugo Kelly’s wonderful profile on O’Leary in our seachable 700,000 word archive.

Anyway, enough of our spin, let’s take a look at the list and please send in any corrections, additions, amplifications and commentary to


Geoff Walsh: ex ABC journo now ALP national secretary.

Greg Turnbull: ex Brisbane TV reporter now Beazley’s chief spinner.

Amanda Buckley: ex Daily Telegraph and Sunday Age.

Tracey Aubin: Bezaley’s spinner who worked for ????

Kylie Johnston: just joined Beazley from 2GB.


Eric Aubert: from the Newcastle Herald to Lefty AG Bob Debus

Jodie Brough: from SMH

Julie Delvecchio ex SMH

Anthony Flannery: Channel Nine soon to be Aquilina’s main dude. Sandra Harvey: SMH

Amanda Lampe: The West Australian

Jim Maher: Channel 7

Donna Mulhearn: Maitland Mercury now with Aquilina

Andrew Plumley: 2GB

Lisa McLean Carl Scully’s spinner who came from 7.30 Report.

Toni Rankin: Channel 7 now with Refshauge

Will Secord: Jewish News and a Canadian tabloid to Carr’s personal staff

Kate Woods: Bob Debus’s PR but formerly with a community newspaper in Sydney’s inner west


Bernadette Alizart (ex 4BC)

Shari Armistead (ex 10)

Steve Bishop (ex the Sun – some years back)

Lorann Downer (ex ABC)

Ruth Evans (ex Cairns Post)

Caroline Fisher (ex ABC)

Steve Keating ex Toowoomba Chronicle

Fiona Kennedy (ex The Australian)

Paul Lynch (ex Australian – some years back)

Greg Milne (ex ABC)

Russ Morgan (ex CH 10)

Michael O’Meara (ex Fin Review)

John Ross (ex Channel 10)

Leisa “Fluffy” Schultz (ex Ch 7)

David Smith (ex Gold Coast Bulletin but he also worked for Coalition)

Alexandra Thompson (ex ABC)

Alexandra Wake (ex ABC)


Paul Conroy: ex Age

Jane Gibson: ex Channel Ten

Ben Hart: ex Herald Sun

Sharon McCrohan: ex Aussie Post editor

Matthew Phelan: ex Herald Sun

Sandra McKay: ex AAP and Age

Tim Mitchell (ex Channel 10 Melbourne)


Kieran Murphy – worked for him in oppn.

Grahame Armstrong – from Sunday Times (COS)

Darren Foster – from Carmen Lawrence, native title tribunal

Mike Marren – from Geraldton Guardian

Julie Cole – worked for previous govt.

Steve Manchee – worked for previous govt and before that The West Australian

Owen Cole – worked for Court government

Fran Hodge – as above, and from The West before that

Amanda O’brien – worked for Labor last time

Nigel Higgs – as above

John Carey – channel 7

Kerri Welham – Sunday Times

Melissa Robinson – Tony Blair’s staff

Priscilla Pouracres – govt dept.

Bev East – union movement


Clare Martin: ex Darwin ABC TV


Randall Ashbourne – ex Channel 7 is helping out Opposition leader Mike Rann.


Mike Lester: former State Political Reporter for the Hobart Mercury, is now on Premier Jim Bacon’s