SCC. From now on, it won’t stand for Sydney City Council. It will refer to what is shaping up as a Sussex Street stuff-up that makes putting Belinda Neal in the Senate look gentle and mild – Sydney City Chaos.

Almost 20 years after splitting Sydney into the SCC and South Sydney to stop Clover Moore becoming Mayor, the New South Wales ALP have seen – Clover Moore become Mayor of Sydney. Overwhelmingly.

It appears as if Moore’s candidates and the Greens will control the Council.

Now, that’s great news if you’re a Redfern revolutionary or a nimby from Elizabeth Bay – but what does it actually mean for the greater Sydney area, the State of New South Wales and, indeed, Australia as a whole.

We are constantly being told that Sydney is A Global City. A Regional Financial Centre. Something Important that Deserves Capitalisation. You get the drift.

Sydney – no ifs, no buts – is the commercial capital of Australia. It is a key centre of the Asia-Pacific region and many of its other boasts stand up, too.

The New South Wales Labor Party – a bunch of greedy thugs – decided they wanted to control it and exploit it.

While they knew merging the City of Sydney, the commercial core, with the very mixed South Sydney to create a new Sydney City Council would not be popular, they took the punt and nominated a stooge to run the show.

Bad move.

It is even less popular than they thought. They provoked a massive backlash.

And what has happened?

The business capital of Australia – of the immediate region – is now in the hands of people who are essentially anti-business, or so it seems.

The Trots, of course, are dancing in the street – even the bunch from Critical Mass who normally lie across them.

But what of the indulgent and indulgent inner-city nimbies? They are risking the economic development that his given them the lifestyle they would claim their vote has preserved.

What’s more, their selfishness could even damage the wider economy – across Sydney, across New South Wales and even across the country.

They are about to learn what a protest vote really risks.

These people can afford the luxury of a protest vote – like they can afford many luxuries – when all they are voting for is one member in a state parliament where one of the major parties will form government.

Now, however, they have elected a protest administration.

That have voted for people because of what they are against – not what they are for.

How they actually govern is going to be v-e-r-y interesting indeed.

Bob Brown and his colleagues will be hoping like hell the whole show doesn’t fall apart before the federal election – and they’ll probably be safe.

In the short term, however, it is the boys from Tammany on Sussex that will feel the heat.

Head Bruvver, NSW Labor State Secretary Eric Roozendaal, said on Sunday that the Party was not backing away from its support for amalgamating the councils.

“I think whenever there is a amalgamation, history tells us, there is generally a voter response – a backlash to that,” he said.

“The case at Canada Bay, amalgamation, the Labor Party vote dropped – the next election that we just held the Labor Party vote returned very strongly – I think once people realise the benefits of amalgamation they’ll have another view on it.”

Canada Bay was the bloody burbs, mate – not a major international financial centre!

What have you lot done?

Hillary Bray can be contacted at