A customer of our new and very popular anonymous tips box writes:

Regarding your article on KAZ yesterday, it is interesting
to note that Telstra Super, which administers super for Telstra
employees, has decided to use Financial Synergy to develop their new
super administration system. They obviously have no faith in KAZ either.

Oh dear. What would be the corporate equivalent elsewhere? PBL visitors
to Melbourne not staying at Crown. News Ltd employees not flying Ansett
when Rupert had his 50%. ASX-Perpetual not looking after the ASX and
Perpetual share registers. Gunns’s executive chairman John Gay living
in a brick house.

This little snippet confirms our report from
yesterday – KAZ Super will not be part of Telstra’s long-term future.
The big question remains: who should buy it and will the Howard
Government intervenue to stop the union movement strengthening control
of the super industry by vetoing a deal with SuperPartners?