Call it nepotism or dynasties, there are plenty of relatives from different generations working in the media game and we now have a huge list to demonstrate how this works. Please send any corrections to and remember that this was first done in 2001 so help us keep it up to date.
Gay Alcorn: The former Fairfax Washington correspondent is the sister of SMH online columnist and general tearaway Margo Kingston.

Col Allan: Wife Sharon Bowditch, a former journo at News Ltd, is the daughter of the late and truly legendary Northern Terrirory News editor Jim Bowditch who was sacked by Rupert in the 70s.

Chris Anderson: The former journalist and Fairfax CEO now runs Optus but his daugther Shauna Anderson has just quit as Today Tonight‘s Adelaide reporter to join Nine’s Today Show as a reporter.

David Armstrong: The publisher of The South China Morning Post and former editor-in-chief of The Australian saw his daughter Ursula join News Ltd in Sydney as a copygirl in 1990 in a process that he did not get involved in. After a while she decided journalism wasn’t for her and went off to become a nurse.

Candida Baker:
The former editor of The Australian magazine is married to writer, Robert Drewe, who also worked as a journalist for The West Australian, The Australian, The Bulletin and The Age. Robert’s son Jack worked as an artist on the Magazine whilst Candy was in charge and still works with News Ltd today.

Brassel Family: Father Tom was Turf Editor of News Limited’s Daily Mirror for 37 years and is now retired. He writes for Racetrack magazine and The Wizard racing formguide. Eldest brother Tony was formerly editor of News Ltd’s The Sportsman is now a presenter/tipster for Sky Channel. Stephen was Turf Editor of The Daily Telegraph and now calls the SCG ‘home’ as Media Manager for the Sydney Swans. Finally, Mark was formerly deputy turf editor of The Daily Telegraph and is now PR & Media Mgr for Racing NSW.

Kevin Bartlett: The former Richmond legend and veteran football caller has a son Rhett who is an internet publisher.

Bruce Baskett:
The founding Herald-Sun editor was joined on the paper by his daughter Sasha Baskett. Bruce didn’t last long under Piers Akerman but has made a stack out of his News Corp shares.

Warren Beeby:
Still a senior News Ltd executive and his daughter Melonie worked for AAP and the Fin Review.

Peter Blunden:
Murdoch loyalist and Herald Sun editor-in-chief followed his dad John into News Ltd straight from school. Blunden’s old man was a former copper who ran the radio room for News Ltd in his latter year and worked the police contacts well for the cops and robber tabloids.

David Bray:
Now a retired journalist. His late father’s first name is Theodor, a former editor-in-chief of Queensland Newspaper. Theodor’s grandson (David’s youngest) Nicholas, is a sub and TV columnist on The Courier-Mail. There has been at least one Bray on The Courier-Mail since 1934.

Blake Family: Started with William Blake who was a reporter for the Truth in Melbourne and Adelaide. His children were: Peter Blake, who still works for Murdoch in the US on The New York Post; the late journalist Terry Blake who started the naughty newspaper the Kings Cross Whisper, Patrick Blake, who is the currently production editor for Tempo on the Sun Herald and Julie Blake (now Flannery), who started the company Media Monitors with broadcaster Ian Parry Okden in the 70s. Julie is married to Sydney television and radio journalist Sean Flannery. Terry’s daughter Sarah Blake is currently on maternity leave from The Sunday Telegraph where she works as a general reporter and sometime COS. Emma Blake, who once worked under Crikey for The Daily Telegraph as a finance reporter is now with Dow Jones in London. Her mother is well known Sydney publicist Suzanne Blake who was once engaged to former Packer editor and CEO Trevor Kennedy. Suzanne’s husband is the above mentioned Patrick Blake. Julie Blake (Flannery) married the late Daily Telegraph journalist Gus de Brito and their son Sam de Brito is a script writer and director (most recently with Water Rats) who also worked for Murdoch as a journalist on the Daily Mirror and Daily Tele. His sister Kate de Brito is a columnist for The Sunday Telegraph. Sean Flannery’s son John Flannery started at News Ltd and has been chief-of-staff of at least one Sydney television newsroom. Sarah Blake’s first cousin Joseph Kerr (Sarah’s late mother and Joe’s mother were sisters) is in the NSW Parliamentary gallery for the SMH. I think this will be hard to beat folks.

Dulcie Boling:
The former magazine queen and current Seven Network director employed daughters Kate and Emma alongside her at New Idea – although all have now pretty much bowed out of the media.

Melissa Bowen: Produced Howard Sattler and Paul Murray on 6PR in Perth and is the daughter of the general manager of Channel 9 in Perth. Murray used to get paid for a regular spot on Channel 9.

Michael Bowers: The SMH pictorial editor and regular on Insiders is the son of retired journalist Peter Bowers.

Bruce Brammall: business journo on the Herald Sun, has four generations of printers’ ink thick in his veins. He is the product of three converging lines of journalists, beginning with Matthew Kelly O’Brien, a founding member of the AJA in Victoria – his great grandfather on his father’s side.His grandfather on his mother’s side was Bob Irving, editor of The Geelong Advertiser. His grandfather on his father’s side was Doug Brammall, originally of The Mercury in Hobart, and later of The Argus, Courier-Mail, SMH and government. Doug sired four journalists – Bruce Brammall, Joan Morris, Colin Brammall (Bruce’s father) and Judy Prisk. Doug’s journalist brother Angus had a journalist son, Beaudesert Times editor Doug Brammall, who’s daughter is a journalism graduate working as a media adviser to a Queensland politician. Bruce also has in his dynasty two more uncles (John Irving and former SMH editor Max Prisk), two more of his father’s uncles (the late Owen O’Brien and the late Matt O’Brien) and one of his father’s cousins (Owen O’Brien). There are some former journalists there, too, including one of his own cousins (Morgan Morris) and one of his father’s cousins (Matt O’Brien). Bruce’s partner is Genevieve Lally, a fellow Herald Sun journo.

Brassell Family:
Big in News Ltd and SKY Channel on the racing game, but that’s all we know at this stage.

Darrin Bray: Channel 7 Melbourne cameraman and the son of former chief cameraman at Seven, Doc Bray.

James Brayshaw: Not only followed his dad Ian into the WA cricket team, but into the media. Dad Ian is about to retire as Channel Ten Perth’s sports presenter while James hosted Seven’s Ashes coverage and is doing breakfast radio in Adelaide.

Lloyd Brown: Worked on The Sun News Pictorial in Melbourne as a photographer and his daughter Jenni joined the stablemate HWT title The Herald.

Bina Brown: Of The Australian‘s business section is the daughter of Wallace Brown, long time Canberra bureau chief of The Courier-Mail.

Brian Buchanan: The News Ltd internet heavyweight was on on The Sun News Pictorial whilst his photographer father Bob Buchanan was on The Melbourne Herald.

Mark Buttler: Veteran police rounds reporter and former news desker at the Herald Sun has been joined at the paper by brother Danny, who was working in regional TV.

Creighton Burns:
The former Age editor is the son of Crayton Burns (former Argus star and wartime deputy chief censor). The grandson David Crayton Burns is a features sub on the Herald Sun.

Milton Cairnduff: Was a journalist in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia’s Eastern Goldfields, for nearly 30 years until his life was cut tragically short in 1988 at the age of 47. Cairnduff spent all of his time, except for four years with the now defunct Goldfields Express, with the Kalgoorlie Miner, the State’s only regional daily newspaper. He was also commercial radio station’s 6KG racing caller and main football commentator. Late last year, his son, Michael, started as a journalist with the Goldfields Mail, a Kalgoorlie-based weekly newspaper, owned by former ABC journalist John Bowler, who earlier this year was to become a Member of Parliament.

Matt Callander: Son of racing writer and broadcaster Ken, started at News in Sydney and was previously a producer at Channel 9 with dad.

Simon Canning: His old man, the late one-legged John Canning, was editor of The Sunday Mirror and associate editor of the Daily Mirror with Mark Day back in the 70s. He also did a lot of work for the Whipser back then as well. He was shifted to New York where he was managing editor of The Star and then The New York Post. Simon started as a copyboy on The Star before being offered acadetship on The Mirror back in Oz. But Simon lasted little more than a year and was sacked by Warren Beeby for “failing” shorthand – the first cadet to have it written into his contract. Mark Day then picked him up on Truth before he headed to London to work on the Daily Mail and Sunday Express. Simon now run the world’s smallest advertising gossip sheet, Adbrief.

Mike Carlton: The 2UE breakfast host and SMH columnist has a duaghter who recently joined Who Magazine.

Les Carlyon: Former Age editor now writes for The Bulletin and his son Patrick Carlyon works there as a feature writer too.

Roel Ten Cate: Is the editor of the Parkes Champion-Post and his daughter Melanie is a journalist at one of the free ‘community’ newspapers in Sydney.

Caroline Chisholm: The daughter of media kingmaker Sam Chisholm has worked at the Herald Sun, Woman’s Weekly, Greenpeace and The Daily Telegraph.

Kate Cole-Adams:
The Fairfax sub is the daughter of Fairfax and Canberra Times journeyman Peter-Cole Adams.

Rohan Connolly:Age sports writer and the the son of Keith Connolly, ex-Melbourne Herald film scribe.

Anne Conti: The long-time Perth Channel Nine newsreader has a daughter Amy, who now reads the news on Access 31 in Perth.

Ian Cook: The former Channel 7 news director in Sydney has a son Ralph who is a senior cameraman at 9.

Justin Coomber: Channel 10 Brisbane’s news chief-of-staff, formerly of The Courier-Mail and Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, Justin is the brother of The Australian’s Scott Coomber, a former sports editor of the paper. Their mother Alison (nee Smith) was a Courier-Mail sub in the 50s and their cousin John Coomber is the editor at AAP. Scott Coomber is married to Sunday Telegraph health reporter Justine Ferrari whose mother is former News Ltd spin doctor Geraldine Paton who didn’t last long after her key supporter Ken Cowley retired.

Lyall Corless: Shafted as deputy editor of The Sunday Herald Sun a couple of years back, Lyall has a son, Blair, who is a sports reporter with Leader. Lyall’s brother Mark works in production or IT for the HWT as well.

Ken Cowley: Rupert Murdoch’s long-time Australian lieutenant Ken Cowley and his loyal brother John Cowley, the former MD of Queensland Newspapers, produced some offspring in the media. John’s daughter Terri Cowley was a cadet at AAP in the mid-80s and is now managing editor of Australian Geographic. Ken’s son Matthew also spent a brief stint on AAP.

Bob Crimeen: Who was with the Hun for many many many years and has since retired to greener pastures at Lake Eildon, was joined by his daughter Lawana in the late 80s as a cadet. Lawana has since worked for various local rags and is now a flack at Melbourne Water.

Dac Croker:
The Australian‘s former chief sub is filling a senior subbing role at The Newcastle Herald. His brother Graham Croker, former Walcha News editor, is a senior sports sub at The Oz.

Wes Crook: Channel Seven’s former chief of staff in Melbourne is the son of former Channel 10 TV host in Brisbane John Crook.

Jane Cunningham: Compere of Race Around Australia, Panel guest, former ABC newsreader and now breakfast radio host in Melbourne is the daughter of channel 10 Perth news producer and ex chief-of-staff of news at Channels 9 and 7 Perth, John Cunningham.

Daddo family: Cameron, Lachie, and Andrew have all been around the media although Andrew was replaced on Sunrise at Seven by Chris Reason who in turn was replaced by David Koch.

Dione Davidson:The West Australian photographer is the daughter of retired long-time West snapper Kevin Davidson.

Mark Day: The Murdoch millionaire hired his nephew Matthew Day as a copy boy on The Truth but he says, and we accept, that he was never made the proprietor for legal reasons. Day’s wife Wendy is the manager of Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe.

Chris De Kretser: Former Sunday Herald Sun editor and assistant editor of MX, Chris has been joined at the office by his daughter Leela, who is now a promising business reporter.

Frank Devine: The legendary News Corp editor and columnist is the father of Sun-Herald and SMH columnist Miranda Devine.

Megan Doherty: Journo on Canberra Sunday Times and is the sister of Ben Doherty, the former TV writer at the Newcastle Herald.

Alan Dower: Famed police roundsman on the Melbourne Sun, was joined on the paper by his son Glen in the 1970s who now freelances and also works as a casual at Leader.

Leigh Drew: 3AK’s former overnight host ‘s son is Jason Drew, a 3AW panel operator.

Colin Duck:
When Colin was editor of The Sun News Pictorial, the HWT hired his niece Anita Quigley as a cadet. Colin had a disappointing stint running the PMP magazines, before returning as chairman of Rupert’s Geelong Newspapers, but he has since retired. Anita went on to do some subbing for Rupert at Wapping in London and she is now chief sub of The Daily Tele in Sydney. Colin’s daughter Siobhan now works as a journo at Leader.

Steve Dunleavy: The legendary columnist at The New York Post, began his career as a copyboy with his photographer father, also Steve, at the Sydney Sun before later joining Murdoch.

Tom Dusevic: Ex Fin Review, ex The Australian, ex Good Weekend and now Editor at Large at Time, is the brother of Sam Dusevic at The Australian.

Graham Earle: The former Courier-Mail deputy editor has a daughter Julie who is reporting in New York for the Financial Times London after stints on the Gold Coast Bulletin, AAP, The Australian in Sydney and New Idea in New York. She’s a fourth generation journalist, the family having founding links with The Dominion in NZ and the Evening Post, Wellington, recently shut by Murdoch.

Luke Eliot:
The Kalgoorlie Miner reporter is the son of The West Australian‘s former photographic editor and current police photographer Neil Eliot. Neil is married to The Australian reporter Natalie O’Brien.

Rob Elliott: The Wheel of Fortune host and his brother Chris both worked in radio.

Barry Everingham: The veteran journalist married Woman’s Day journalist Meg Post (who died about 20 years ago). Their son Henry Everingham is an SMH designer and TV critic and was also married to the SMH’s Paula Totaro.

Fairfax Family: Sir Warwick Fairfax built up the Fairfax newspaper empire only to see idiot son Warwick junior try to privatise it in 1987. Many of the family cashed in their shares and John B Fairfax has built up the highly successful Rural Press since 1987.

Rick Feneley:
The SMH night editor is the brother of Stephen Feneley, formerly Channel 9 and ABC TV, now media consultant. Both started as copy boys on Daily Telegraph (Stephen 1977, Rick 1980) – definitely no nepotism was involved.

Ray Fewings:
Of radio 5DN is the father of Shaun Fewings from Channel 10 news.

Martin Flanagan: Of The Age has a sister called Jo who used to work for the Herald Sun. Their brother Richard Flanagan author of Death of a River Guide, The Sound of One Hand Clapping, the biography of that crim who ran the National Safety Council, John Friedrich, and Gould’s Book of Fish.

Ben Fogarty: Channel 9 sound recordist in Melbourne, is the son of Sue Ahearn, News Editor at Radio Australia and Quentin Fogarty, TV journalist. Sue is the sister of journos Louise and Christine Ahearn. They are the great-grand-daughters of Richard Ahearn, editor of the now defunct Evening Star in Wellington (early 1900s) and cousin of NZ author Katherine Mansfield.

Mark Forbes:
The Age defence correspondent is the son of The Australian journalist Cameron Forbes, in turn the son of Len Forbes, former head printer of The Rockhampton Bulletin.

John Fordham: The celebrity manager of John Laws and Tubby Taylor, helped negotiate the latest contract for son Ben Fordham who is on A Current Affair and before that was with Laws at 2UE. John’s brother David Fordham is the well-known radio and television sports broadcaster.

Matthew Frilingos:The Daily Telegraph reporter is the son of the late Peter “Chippie” Frilingos, who was the Telegraph‘s chief rugby league writer and radio broadcaster. Matt is know as “Junior Chippie”.

Bryan Frith:
The Australian‘s long-serving business commentator has two sons, Damon and Josh, who both worked for The Australian as business reporters but have moved on. Josh is now managing director of Internet design company @www.

Michael Gawenda:The Age editor and publisher is the uncle of Harvey Silver, the former Age sports writer and founding executive producer of The Footy Show who is now an auctioneer.

Grant Goldman: Veteran radio and voiceover man (2SM) has two sons who followed him into the media. Mike is the voice of Big brother ( and Jay was last working in radio in Darwin. Grant’s daughter is a producer at 2SM and younger son Lucas also does voice overs.

Tom Goodman: The late and legendary sports writer and sports editor for The Sydney Morning Herald, has a great nephew in journalism – Paul Ramadge, a senior editor at The Age.

Harry Gordon: The legendary pre-Murdoch HWT editor-in-chief, is these days an occasional columnist for The Australian and Olympic historian while his son Michael Gordon started on the Melbourne Herald and is now a deputy editor on The Age.

Penny Green: Worked for all the News Ltd Sydney papers, then Who magazine and is now largely freelance. Her sister Lisa Green is the editor of Elle and also ex Sydney News Ltd.

Jenny Grove: The former West Australian reporter and later Federal Government spin doctor’s brother was a morning radio host on a Perth FM station.

George Grljusich: WA’s best-known radio sporting commentator, left the ABC after 36 years for Southern Cross Broadcasting’s a commercial station 6PR in 1997 but in recent years his daughter, Jane Grljusich, has been a Perth-based journalist with ABC Radio.

Toby Hagon: Motoring editor of The Age, is the son of Will Hagon, motoring commentator with the ABC in Sydney.

Charlotte Harper: Is currently books editor on The South China Morning Post but previously worked on the SMH, following her aunt Catherine Rich to the SMH who in turn married another ex SMH journo. Charlotte’s first cousin Catherine worked on the SMH as an arts critics for a while too.

Bob Hart: Food writer and former columnist, Herald Sun, former LA correspondent, former promotions manager, Qld Newspapers and general Murdoch loyalist is uncle of Richard Conrad, production editor of the Melbourne City Weekly, who started in journalism on Queensland Newspapers.

Peter Harvey: Of Channel Nine fame has two children in the media with Adam Harvey working for The Daily Telegraph and Claire Harvey on The Australian.

Ben Harvey:
The West Australian‘s police rounds reporter is the cousin of new West editor Paul Armstrong.

Ian Heads: Sports historian and author, ex Rugby League Week editor, Sun-Herald and Sydney Morning Herald columnist. His son Phil is a sub and online editor at the Northern Daily Leader in Tamworth. Phil’s cousin is Channel 9’s man in London Simon Bouda who has a very famous god mother in Ita Buttrose. It all helps.

Geoff Henderson: The veteran Sydney News Ltd photographer is the father of journalist Craig Henderson of Who magazine. Craig started in the Sydney News Ltd rooms.

Beckett Henry: at Star FM Young is the son of former 2AY manager Laurie Henry.

Paul Higgins: The Melbourne ABC TV weather presenter is the son of the late motoring writer Paul Higgins.

Pat Hinton: Former Melbourne Herald editor is now running his own PR firm with son Scott who was business editor of the Herald Sun in the early 90s.

Michelle Hoffman: Daughter of former Daily Telegraph editor Les Hoffman, was a journo on the Mirror and Tele in the late 80s and early 90s. Les drifted into management as the uninspiring Syndications manager for a while.

Sean Hogben: Still with the SMH online and a former senior journo at News, is the son of the late News Ltd group general manager Brian Hogben, who among many other things edited the Daily Mirror.

Michael Holmes: Currently at CNN, the ex Channel Nine reporter is the son of Melb Herald reporter Rob “Bombs” Filmer.

Daryl Hood: Ex-Herald Sun and Aussie Post, was joined at Pacific Publications by daughter Danielle, who worked on TV Week and now works on the Sunday Herald SunTV Guide.

Nic Hopkins: Went from The Adelaide Advertiser to The Australian, to CNN in Hong Kong and now The Times in London. His dad Nigel was a senior writer and food critic on The Advertiser.

Allan Hoy: Founding CEO at Win TV, 9 regional affiliate, has a son also called Allan, a potential Olympic Swimmer at one point, who worked for a while on A Currrent Affair in Sydney.

The Hoy boys: From Orange have three who’ve been in the profession. Greg Hoy is the reporter on Alan Kohler’s Inside Business and spent time with all four television networks as a reporter, foreign correspondent and executive producer. His older brother Michael Hoy rose to be deputy chief executive of John Fairfax and another brother Anthony Hoy has been rural affairs editor on The SMH and latterly The Bulletin.

David Hummerston:The West Australian Saturday editor, is following in the footsteps of his father Ian who was editor of the Daily News, the now defunct Perth afternoon daily, just like his father.

Damon Johnston: The Herald Sun chief-of-staff and former New York correspondent is the son of Leo Johnston, associate editor at The Sunday Times and formerly chief-of-staff at The West Australian.

Greg Kable: European correspondent for Australian Motor magazine, is the son of the late Mike Kable, former motoring editor of The Australian and then freelance.

Kev Kavanagh: Former Courier-Mail editor-in-chief had a daughter who worked as a cadet on The Courier-Mail in the 1960s.

Lawrie Kavanagh: The former Courier-Mail columnist is the father of Courier-Mail surfing writer Terry Kavanagh.

“Robert “Buzz” Kennedy:
The late associate editor and columnist for The Australian has a daughter, Mary Vernon, who is a columnist for Rupert’s Townsville Bulletin, and another daughter, Dinah Kennedy, who is features editor at the same paper and a grandson, Ben Vernon, was a reporter on the paper before becoming rugby league writer at the Herald Sun in Melbourne. Buz Kennedy’s son-in-law, Rick Vernon, is Northern News Director for DMG Radio and wife Buzz’s wife writes book reviews for the Townsville Bulletin under the her maiden name of Judy Ewing. Judy’s brother Peter was for some years day editor of The West Australian. Buzz wrote a column for the Bully up until his death a couple of years ago and his 12yo granddaughter Jessica (Dinah’s daughter) won the title of Junior Reporter of the Year In Print, a weekly magazine insert in the Townsville Bulletin.

Christian “Hillary Bray” Kerr: Crikey’s political editor had an illegitimate great uncle who was the legendary Darlinghurst Don Quixote, drinker and contributor to Smith’s Weekly and The Daily Telegraph, Lennie Lower. True.

Bronwen Kiely: International editor for ABC radio and TV in Sydney, is the daughter of John Kiely, the now retired Herald Sun opinion editor and former long-time Age journalist Rosemary West, but Bronwen did not get any help from her parents during her journalistic career.

David Kilby: Half of the popular morning show on 666 ABC Canberra, has a son Jordie who is the music programmer, producer and presenter of obscure music bits. Thankfully, he does not share a haircut like his father.

Geoff Kitney: Of the Sydney Morning Herald is the father of the AFR‘s media writer and investment editor, Damon Kitney.

David Koch:
The Sunrise host has a daughter, Samantha Brown, who is a business reporter on Channel Seven.

Tony Koch: Chief reporter (Qld) with The Australian, and formerly with The Courier-Mail. Koch’s eldest daughter Jacinta Koch is currently the court reporter with the Manly Daily. A freehand artist, Jacinta’s court reports are also often illustrated with her “artist’s impression” of a courtroom personality. Daniel Koch, Tony’s son has just completed a journalism degree and is working as a casual sports reporter with The Sunday Mail.

Tom Krause: Is the supervising producer for the Sunday show. His daughters also work for the Packer fold: Colleen is the production and sub editor for SHE magazine, and Heidi works for the Today Show although they are said to have made their way without any fatherly assistance. Catriona Jackson: At The Canberra Times is niece of ABC’s Liz Jackson and daughter of Morag Fraser (editor Eureka Street). Morag and Liz are not sisters.

Darren James: 3AW weekend host is the son of long time Melbourne radio identity Peter James.

Lachlan Johnston:
Former Fin Review gossip columnist and one of the most thin-skinned jounos around. Started at The Daily Telegraph where his late grandfather was a legendary chief of staff.

Tim Lane: Former ABC Radio football and cricket commentator now with Channel Ten. His daughter Sam Lane contributor to ABC Melbourne’s When Saturday Comes and did an AFL game/segment with Channel 7 once. Tim’s brother Bill Lane is a producer on ABC news in Melbourne.

John Laws: The 2UE star’s son Brett is the station manager of 2MG (and 2PK and their FM clones ROK FM and Real FM). You can commiserate with him by emailing

Jack Lee: Who died in September 2001 at the age of 94, joined The West Australian as a sports journalist in 1949. He covered trotting under the pen-name of “Lexington” for a few years and was the paper’s cricket writer from 1957 until retiring in 1972. His brother, Gordon Lee, was a sports writer at The West Australian for two decades from 1930. He wrote football, trotting and general sport.

Garry Linnell: The editor of The Bulletin has a brother, Stephen Linnell, in a senior post at The Age.

Sally Loane:
The ABC Morning host has a brother Geoff who was in the Canberra Gallery in the 70s and 80s. Her husband, Judge Bob Sorby was also a journo before turning to the law.

Alfred Lockwood: Owned and edited the West Wimmera Mail in Natimuk, near Horsham; his second son, Rupert, worked for The Herald (Melbourne) and later The Tribune (also involved in Petrov affair as author of Document J); his fourth son, Douglas, was NT correspondent for the HWT group 1941-68, then PNG Post-Courier managing editor, Melbourne Herald manager and Bendigo Addy boss; his fifth son, Frank, managed the Wimmera Mail-Times; his sixth son, Allan, edited it; his grandson, Kim, joined the West Australian in 1966, the NT News in 1968 and the HWT group in 1971, and is still with them; and another grandson, Keith, is chief sub on the Wimmera Mail-Times. That’s seven! Can anyone beat that.

Kristian Lund:
Just graduated from UQ and started as a copy boy at the Gold Coast Bulletin, is the son of former diplomat and previously Brisbane Telegraph reporter Greg Lund and Queensland Department of Employment and Training Communications and Marketing Manager Kathryn Lund , who began her career (as Kathy Stuart) as a cadet on the GC Bulletin and also was at the Brisbane Telegraph and Channel 9.

The Lunn dynasty: Is one of the best. Brothers Jack and Hugh Lunn have been big players on Queensland Newspapers and Hugh recently penned the very positive and self-serving “Working for Rupert” book about his times with the Digger which included a stint as editor of The Australian in Queensland. Jack’s daughter Jacqui Lunn is now a senior writer with The Australian and married to Sun-Herald editor Phil McLean. The boy in the family Stephen Lunn is the News Ltd man in Tokyo.

Charles Macfaull: The first publisher of The West Australian, has been called the ‘father of journalism in Western Australia’. He arrived with his wife and daughter in WA on 24 August 1830 on the ship “Edward Lombe”. Macfaull selected 113 acres of land near Fremantle with the intention of starting a vineyard. But it was an unsuccessful venture. After a few attempts at publishing from 1831, he printed the first issue of the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal on 5 January 1833. The paper eventually became The West Australian. Macfaull produced the paper, a weekly, until his death in 1846. His wife, Elizabeth, then published the paper for two years before selling it.

Lucy Macken:
Who was a journo at News Ltd in the early 90s, went to the SMH and returned to sub at News, is the sister of Fairfax columnist Deidre Macken. Sister Julie Macken has also worked on the AFR. One of the Macken girls is married to Roger Johnston, who edits the Weekend AFR. The Mackens are cousins of Quentin Long, Bathurst graduate turned ad man now publisher of Fairfax’s MIS magazine in the UK.

Paul Maguire: The Newcastle Herald journo used to work alongside his photographer brother Wade who is now freelancing for the rival News Ltd Newcastle bureau.

Raymond Maley: The former chief political correspondent for the SMH and press secretary for Bob Menzies (died in the job) had a brother Barry (of CIS fame/notoriety) who married Yon Maley – daughter of Vincent Wright, who was chief state and federal political correspondent for The Mirror (Sydney) and first president of the press gallery. Yon Maley worked as a writer and editor for KG Murray magazines for several years (in particular House & Garden) before becoming an academic. Their son Mark Maley is executive producer of Insight, a former executive producer of the 7.30 Report and The Walsh Report and a former Four Corners producer. Mark married Karen Maley, a senior writer at the SMH and AFR before she moved into corporate advisory. Mark’s brother Nick Maley married Judy O’Connor, a senior writer at the SMH in the 70s. Their daughter, Jaqueline Maley is now a reporter for the SMH and their son Paul is a media analyst, writer and regular reviewer for The Australian. Raymond’s other brother Ken’s grandson a sports reporter/producer at Fox Sports.

Christie Malthouse: The Channel Ten Melbourne sports reporter is the daughter of Collingwood coach, and Australian columnist, Mick Malthouse.

Peter Manning: The former Four Corners and Witness executive producer has a son Paddy who founded Ethical Investor magazine three years ago. Peter Manning was formerly married to Jenny Brockie and engaged to Prue Lewarne who is now with a financial pay TV channel in New York.

Bruce Mansfield: Rorting 3AW Nightline host, is the nephew of former 3KZ broadcaster Terry Dear.

The Masters dynasty: Is one of the best and spans three generations. Olga Masters was a suburban journalist who went on to become a respected author publishing five books with Queensland University Press and had six children who work in the media. Her oldest son Roy Masters is a successful sports journalist with the SMH and married to ABC broadcaster Elaine Canty. Chris Masters is the best and longest serving Four Corners reporter, while the Quentin Masters now runs a prosperous film company in London making commercials and movies such as “The Stud” and Ian Masters runs a national public radio show out of Los Angeles. Sue Masters was the head of drama at the ABC before falling out with Jonathon Shier and is now with Channel Ten. Deb Masters was a producer of the ABC Federation series with Paul Kelly and now works on the 7.30 Report. Roy’s son Sean is a copywriter for 2GB while Chris’s daughter Clare works as a journalist for Courier Press.

Clive Mathieson: Went from The Advertiser to The Australian to The London Times and back to The Oz as business editor. His dad Alec Mathieson did many years on The Advertiser as well as stints on the SMH and Courier-Mail.

Robert Mayne: (No relation to the Crikey founder) is a former assistant editor of both The Daily Telegraph and The Australian, and started on the SMH as a copy boy going on to work on The Times and The Sunday Times in London, and later The Reader’s Digest. His son Tim Mayne is the Adelaide Producer of A Current Affair and his great-grandfather Samuel Cook was associate editor and later general manager of the Herald, retiring in 1911. During his time at Fairfax, he wrote on his retirement, he faced the challenges of “the introduction of female staff labour” and the introduction of “mechanical line casting machines”.

Mungo McCallum: Political commentator was preceded by his father, also Mungo.

Margie MacDonald: Joined The Australian as a sports reporter three years ago. Her Dad was a big wig in Queensland newspapers years ago.

Terry McCrann: Melbourne-based business commentator for News Ltd papers across the country. His sister Carol Pyne works two days a week in the Herald Sun business library.

John McGrath: A journalist with The West Australian since 1965, is about to return to Perth after being the paper’s sport representative in Melbourne for the last 5 years. His son, David, completed his journalist cadetship at The West in the early 1990s, before moving to Channel 9 as a reporter. He is now working in television journalism in England. John’s daughter Erin worked on country and suburban newspapers in Perth and Melbourne and is now subbing for an English newspaper.

Richard McGregor: Ex Australian political correspondent and foreign correspondent now at the Financial Times in China, is a cousin of the Daily Tele‘s Walkley Award winner Kate Hannon, an ex Laurie Brereton staffer. Both are also cousins to Paul Kelly the singer. Richard’s sister Lisa McGregor has been an ABC journalist for 10 years as a producer with Four Corners and The 7.30 Report and is currently a reporter for radio current affairs which is an amazing effort given that she lives with Paul Barry and had twins earlier this year. Finally, Kate Hannon’s brother is a lawyer in Adelaide who acted for Nick Bolkus in extracting a $25,000 defamation settlement out of Crikey in May 2003.

Eddie McGuire: Got his first big break with Channel 10 before joining the Packer inner circle at 9 whilst his older brother Frank started with the Melbourne Herald before joining John Cain’s media unit, Channel 10, 7.30 Report, Four Corners and McGuire Media. The final fateful move was to be puppetmaster of Natasha Stott Despoja which we suspect will end on November 10.

Miranda McLachlan:
Fin Review banking writer, is the daughter of a former editorial writer for The Times in London. She initially worked for Rupert’s Herald Sun.

Doug McLaurin: Works as a reporter for GWN TV news and is the son of long-time Channel 7 Perth court reporter Alison Fan.

Sandra McLean: The long-serving Queensland Newspapers journo is the daughter of Ron McLean, who ran North Queensland Newspapers and was chairman of the NQ Cowboys before his retirement a couple of years ago.

DD McNicoll: Columnist on The Australian, is the son of the late, long-lunching Packer mate David McNicoll.

Molly Meldrum: The veteran music journalist who has just left Nine for Seven has a brother Brian Meldrum who recently retired as racing services editor on the Herald Sun.

Kristy Miller: Started on TheSunday Telegraph when her dad Roy “Rocky” Miller was editor. Miller is now managing director of Rupert’s largely privately owned Gold Coast Bulletin.

Trent Miller: Channel 7 LA Bureau Chief Cameraman is the son of Neil Miller, Nine News Melbourne Lineup Producer. Trent’s partner Rahni Sadler is Ten News’s US Correspondent in LA and Rahni’s brother Matthew Sadler is at ABC Newsradio.

Nick Moir:SMH photographer, is the son of SMH cartoonist Alan Moir.

John Monks: Of The Herald and later The Aus bureau in Melb. His wife was also a journo from memory. Suzie Monks of News Mags could be his daughter but the emailer is not sure.

John Morgan: Former Sun editor in the 1970s and then executive editor of the Herald and Weekly Times group, John is now a member of the Press Council and had two offspring follow him into the media. His daughter Sue started as a cadet at the ex-Herald while his son, Huw, started at the Weekly Times. Sue moved to the SMH where she covered the Royal Commission into British atomic testing. There she met her now husband, Peter McClelland, who has just been made a NSW Supreme Court judge. After The Weekly Times, Huw, went to the Truth briefly under Owen Thomson before going to The Advertiser in Adelaide. He is now a spin doctor for the Olsen government.

Mark Morri:
The 20-year veteran of The Daily Telegraph who knows where all the bodies are buried, worked with his brother on the paper for a while before Rod went off to edit a golf magazine.

Brian and Patricia Mossop: The couple share the restaurant reviewing at the Gold Coast Bulletin. Brian is an ex-Sydney journo and also writes sport and features for the paper. Their son John is the property editor.

Brian Mulvey: Is a former ABC Controller of News, his son Paul is an AAP London Bureau Chief.

Rupert Murdoch:
Is the most powerful media mogul in the world and has fast-tracked his two sons onto the News Corp board when both were still in their 20s. Rupert’s dad Sir Keith Murdoch was a legendary war correspondent in WW1 and went on to become managing director of The Herald and Weekly Times but on dying left only the Adelaide News to son Rupert. Rupert’s second wife Anna, a former cadet on The Daily Mirror, was also on the News Corp and he has twice married employees of the company with third and current wife Wendi Deng an executive with STAR TV in Asia. Rupert’s sister Janet Calvert-Jones is chairman of the Herald and Weekly Times and his daughter Elisabeth was a senior executive with BskyB but now has a production company with lucrative BskyB contracts. The husband of his daughter from his first of three marriages, Prudence, is general manager of Times Newspapers in the UK.

Kevin Murphy:
Former West Australian trackwork journalist from 1938 to 1985. He also assisted his horse racing colleagues with the coverage of the Saturday afternoon meetings. He took over the trackwork role from his father, Bill Murphy, who had filled the position for two decades.

Paul Murphy:
Journalistic icon, and Justin Murphy, ABC arts reporter, are brothers.

Padraic Murphy: The Age’s police reporter is the son of SMH journalist and former Bulletin political writer Damien Murphy.

Paul Murray: Who has spent most of his working years as a newspaper journalist, was the editor of The West Australian for a decade from 1990. He is now a morning talkback host on Radio 6PR.His father, Keith Murray, was a journalist The West for a decade from 1948.

Manika Naidoo: Former Age, is sister to SBS anchor gal Indira Naidoo.

Robin Northover: Worked for years on the Australasian Post and was joined there by daughter Kylie, who I believe is currently working in London.

John Nutting: The ABC Radio Saturday Night Country host’s son Toby answers the phones for his father (wonder if he gets paid?).

Kerry O’Brien:
The ABC’s 7.30 Report anchor’s son Ant O’Brien was working in the editorial side of a Southern Sydney suburban newspaper when our tipper last checked three years ago. Another son Chris is Publicity Manager for the Seven Network in Sydney.

Jack O’Brien:
The former Sporting Globe racing writer is the father of well-travelled tabloid expert Dermott O’Brien who started at the Melbourne Herald and is now with Ten. They are related to Jack Elliott, the Herald‘s legendary chief racing writer in the 60s and 70s.

Gary O’Callaghan:
The Sydney radio veteran, who broke just about every broadcasting record imagineable in his heydey and is still on air after more than 50 years, had a daughter Lucy O’Callaghan at the Daily then Sunday Tele during the 80s and 90s.

The O’Connors:
Sean, daytime Age news editor, and Gavin, Age news subs (once chief sub). They’re originally from South Africa and Sean was once married to ABC broadcaster turned media consultant and Melbourne Football Club director Bev O’Connor.

Andrew Olle: The late ABC legend has a son Nick Olle on The Wentworth Courier, published in Sydney’s east.

Tony O’Reilly: Ireland’s biggest media mogul through the Independent Newspapers group and his son Cameron rose to become managing director of the Australian offshoot, APN, before bailing out last year.

Tom Ormonde: From The Age’s foreign desk is the son of Paul Ormonde, formerly of The Sun before spinning for CUB. Paul Ormone’s daughter was also on The Melbourne Herald.

Kerry Packer:
Dad built up the Channel 9 network and a stable of magazines that his son Kerry took over buying out his late brother Clyde Packer for about $6 million in the 1970s. Kerry’s son James rose to become executive chairman of PBL five years ago when still in his 20s. Clyde’s sons Stephen Packer has worked for Nine.

Damien Parer:
Noted WWII photographer and cameraman has a nephew, David Parer, a well awarded documentary film maker who has been a presence in the Australian industry for over thirty years.

Pedley Family: Ben Pedley now writes on foreign exchange for Dow Jones in Singapore after working for DJ in Canberra and AAP in Sydney. He’s married to fellow Dow Jones journalist Rosalind Mathieson and is the son of Ian Pedley, who recently retired after many years with AFP in various countries, and Salda Pedley, who worked for several papers in Sydney (including the Daily Tele) and for TV and papers in Queensland. Ben’s sister Rebecca Thompson also works for Dow Jones, in Sydney.

Maurice Perera: Rretired from the HWT several years ago, but he is a lovely fellow who used to float around HWT doing specials, supplements and other feature work. His daughter Natasha Perera joined the paper as a cadet a few years back and is now editor of the New Home mag.

Corrie Perkin:
Age journalist and the daughter of former Age editor Graham Perkin. Corrie’s brother Steve Perkin also spent some time on the Melbourne Herald and The Sunday Age as well as being a former EP of The Footy Show. Steve, is now assistant features editor at the Herald Sun.

Kevin Perkins: Former Sun-Herald journalist who latterly was known for his racing connections, wrote a book (which was pulped) about the Waterhouses and just released a book about Tom Hayson (Darling Harbour man), has two journalist daughters who trained at News Limited, one of whom, Josephine, works as a journo in London and lives with former Daily Telegraph features sub, Kent Sanderson.

Seumas Phelan:
Former deputy chief sub at the SMH, is now a senior sub at The Australian. His daughter Amanda is a former SMH court reporter, now in Ireland with her fiance Adam Harvey, former SMH cadet and Walkley award winner at The Daily Telegraph (brother of Claire, at The Oz, and son of Nine’s Peter Harvey). Seumas’s son Liam is married to former foreign news editor at The Australian, Dani Cooper and is himself a freelance journo.

Matthew Phelan: The former Herald Sun reporter turned Backs spin doctor is the son of legendary Sun New Pictorial Pic Ed Terry Phelan.

Perc Pinder: Served in Egypt in 1915 was a photographer for The Bendigo Advertiser. Perc’s son Cliff Pinder followed as The Bendigo Advertiser‘s photographer after helping chase the Japanese out of New Guinea. Cliff’s son Trevor Pinder was a photographer and picture editor of The Melbourne Herald and now works as a photographer on the Herald Sun. Trevor’s brother Lawrence is a photographer for The Diamond Valley News and brother Daryl worked for The Sunday Sun and now freelances for many publications. Trevor’s two sons work as cameraman , Jarrod Pinder for Channel Ten and Kane Pinder for Channel Nine, after a few years as a Herald Sun photographer.

Matthew Pinkney: The Herald Sun reporter is the son of Age journo John Pinkney.

Angela Pippos:
The ABC TV Victoria sports reporter is the daughter of Stavros Pippos who was the former managing director of Channel 7 in Adelaide.

Frank Platell: A journalist at The West Australian from 1944 until he retired in 1987. He worked casual 5 days a week to 1991 and since has has worked 2-3 days a week. His daughter, Amanda Platell, in the early 1980s started her journalistic career at the The Daily News, Perth’s former afternoon newspaper. She then worked in Fleet Street for several years, before becoming the Conservative party spin doctor, resigning in July to be a columnist with The Mirror in London.

Jonathan Porter:
Sub and columnist at The Daily Telegraph, is the son of long serving MEAA exec and sub at The Oz, Barry Porter. Jonathan is also married to Kate Minogue (no relation) at the Tele. Kate’s father Dennis Minogue was a newspaper reporter and then columnist for The Daily Telegraph (in the ’60s), The Mirror, The Australian and The Age. He then went on to publish the original Forum magazine.

Frank Prenesti:
Started with Leader then joined The Melbourne Sun and is now Westminster reporter for newswire AFX in London. His younger brother Sam Prenesti started with The Age and is now with a soccer news website.

Mike Raymond: Speedway promotor and former head of Channel 7 motor sport. Mike was joined at Channel 7 by his son Andy in the mid 90s. Andy later moved around several stations before finding a place with Foxtel. And Mike’s brother Steve worked in both TV and radio in Sydney for years and still appears occasionally in off-survey periods.

Mark “Chopper” Read: The convicted crim and celebrated author is the nephew of television and radio medico Dr James Wright.

Griff Richards:
Who was employed as a cadet journalist at The West Australian in 1926, rose through the ranks until becoming the paper’s editor in 1956. He was the editor for 16 years until retiring in 1972. His daughter, Margot worked for 50 years at The West Australian and was its senior legal reporter for much of that time; she retired in 2008. Margot was married to Bill Lang, a senior journalist and columnist for Perth’s now-defunct Daily News, who is now enjoying retirement in Perth. Bill and Margot’s daughter Jacqui worked as a Daily News/TV reporter in Perth and is now is a Sydney freelance TV and print journalist. Peter Roberts: Former Fin Review journalist now based in Singapore, is son of former Adelaide journalist Alan Roberts.

Peter Robinson:
The former Fin Review editor is the father of Gwen Robinson, the much-travelled foreign correspondent now with the Financial Times in London.

Pete Rule:
Channel 7 Melbourne sound recordist, is the son of Grant Rule, former Countdown and current Weakest Link executive producer.

Georgina Safe: Of the Melb bureau of The Oz is niece of Mike Safe, staff writer with the mag.

Tim Satchell: Former Advertiser press gallery hack now running his own new media company in London, is a son of Philip Satchell, longtime ABC Radio morning talkbackhost in South Australia.

Malcolm Schmidtke:
Deputy editor of The Age, saw his daughter Emma join The Daily Telegraph as a copykid and cop a bollockings from Col Allan for buying the wrong brand of cigarettes.

Mike Seccombe: Of SMH fame (formerly edited Kookaburra) is the son of the late Don Seccombe, who was one of the pioneers of television in Q’ld and was for many years a journalist and news reader on Channel 9.

Robyn Sela: On staff at Rupert’s PNG Post-Courier is the daughter of legendary Post-Courier editor Luke Sela.

Brendan Shanahan: Son of Dennis and Angela, edited the ANU student paper Woroni before his parents’ boss hired him for a stint on The Daily Telegraph writing an entertainment column.

Mike Sheahan: Football journalist, has been joined in the profession by his son Tony, who works for 3AW as a producer, I think for the 6pm-8pm sports show.

Richard and Patrick Smithers: The brothers were both with The Age in the 1990s although not sure where Richard is these days.

John Sommerlad: Is the executive editor of the Tamworth Leader. He is ex chairman of the Country Press Association, a position both his father (David) and his grandfather (EC) have held.

Dave Sorell: Tthe Channel 9 sound recordist in Melbourne is the son of John Sorell, Channal 9’s long-serving Melbourne News Director who has just retired.

Michael Stahl: Long time Wheels columnist Michael Stahl is the son of legendary motoring writer Max Stahl.

Guy Stayner: Is a journalist with ABC radio in Melbourne. His cousin Samantha Stayner is a producer, also with the ABC in Melbourne.

Glenn Stanaway: Deputy editor of The Daily Telegraph, followed his dad, Jack Stanaway, who mentored current CEO John Hartigan, into a career with News Ltd and was also a spinner with politican Tom Burns. Jack had a cousin Noel who was a noted boating correspondent. Noel’s father was the most important Stanaway of them all – the truly legendary Cliff Stanaway. Cliff was a very prominent police-roundsman for The Courier-Mail in the World War 2 years and achieved even more prominence by his coverage of “the Battle of Brisbane”, between Australian and American troops. After a falling out with The Courier-Mail, Cliff went to the ABC in Brisbane as their night-time chief sub where he mentored many young hacks.

Leigh Stevens: Formerly on The Sun and an HWT pictorial chief, is the son of the editor of the Adelaide News back in the late 1940s; his brother John was also a journo on the News in the mid-1950s. Leigh’s cousin John Stevens is a long-serving Age foreign correspondent whose son Matthew Stevens is the Melbourne bureau chief for The Australian. John’s grandfather was an editorial writer for The Adelaide Advertiser so there has been a Stevens in newspapers continually for more than 100 years. The Swinstead clan are also related to the Stevens.

Kerry Stokes: The executive chairman of the Seven Network has two sons Bryant and Ryan Stokes who are junior executive at Channel Seven.

Peter “Grubby” Stubbs: Melbourne’s Gold 104’s host is the brother of sister station Mix 101.1’s Richard Stubbs.

Rohan Sullivan: Now AP’s man in KL, is the son of long-term Adelaide Sunday Mail editor Kerry Sullivan, but in a career which started at the Adelaide News, then The Australian, AAP and now AP, Rohan has never worked for his dad. Rohan is married to Sun Herald pic editor Verity Chambers.

Candace Sutton: The Sun Herald’s gossip columnist is married to SMH police and court reporter Stephen Gibbs. Candy’s grandfather Randolph Bedford wrote for The Bulletin in the early 20th century and her brother-in-law is gold walkley award winner Norman Swan of ABC radio’s Health Report and TV’s Health Dimensions.

Ian Sutton: Worked for News Ltd and Fairfax for 30 years (not a journo but a media man), his son Peter Sutton worked at The Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph and Network 10. Ian’s two daughters also went into the media, Gerri Sutton was at The Daily Mirror, Brisbane Sun and is currently at Who Magazine while Lyndall Sutton was at 2UE before moving to 2GB.

Terry Sweetman: the former Brisbane Sun editor and now Courier-Mail columnist is the father of The Courier-Mail‘s assistant night editor Kim Sweetman. Kim is married to The Australian’s former national picture editor and Queensland bureau chief (now photographer) Lyndon Mechielsen and Terry’s sister-in-law and Kim’s aunt is Radio National’s Marion Frith. Marion is also the granddaughter, and Kim the great-granddaughter, of Gallipoli veteran and former Daily Telegraph staffer Frances Kileen. Marion’s partner is the ABC’s highly acclaimed Radio National Breakfast host, Fran Kelly.

The Swinsteads: Dallas (former HWT honcho) and his brother Gene (39 years mostly with Rupert and all over the place in management after starting in as a journo in Adelaide): Dallas’ children include Tim (sport production editor, Sunday Herald Sun) and Lucy (photographer, Herald Sun). And there is a third Swinstead brother – Julian, a former footballer who worked on the Melbourne Herald and then headed to a senior position in the NZ operations of News and then went to Tassie.

David Tapp: Who now works for racing radio 2KY in Sydney, is the son of Sydney race caller and SKY channel anchor, Johnny Tapp.

Darren Tindale:
The Herald Sun snapper followed his father into the company.

Laura Tingle: The Financial Review‘s chief political correspondent is the daughter of the Shooters Party member of the NSW Upper House and former 2GB announcer John Tingle. Laura is also married to the SMH‘s Alan Ramsey.

Max Tomlinson: Was the chief executive of Rupert’s North Queensland Newspapers before he moved last year to Adelaide to become managing director of Advertiser Newspapers. His son Julian is a sportswriter on the Gold Coast Bulletin, while other son Damien writes for the Brisbane Sunday Mail.

Anna Mann: (Formerly Murdoch, nee Torv) Rupert Murdoch’s second wife is the sister of Hans Torv of 2WS-FM in Sydney.

Jay Town: The News Ltd photographer followed his snapper dad Neil into the Murdoch/HWT fold. His mum Beryl was also a journo with the Sun News-Pictorial. Jay Town’s niece Natalie rose to become a divisional chief sub at Leader before joining the subs desk on The Daily Tele.

Alan Trengove:
The Melbourne Sun writer who turned to specialist tennis writing has a daughter Kim who joined The Herald initially and is now acting on shows like Water Rats.

John Trevorrow: The Herald Sun deputy editor has a younger brother Mark was did a short-lived cadetship on the Melbourne Herald before creating the persona of well-known camp comedian/compere Bob Downe.

Dora and Noula Tsavdaridis: Sisters at The Daily Telegraph.

Elisabeth Tuckey: Followed her old man Bill into motoring journalism. Bill was with BRW for years and Elisabeth worked briefly in the 90s for John Mellor, who at the time had the contract to produce The Australian‘s Automotive Business section.

John Vertigan: Sport 927’s John Vertigan’s son Jon is the program director at 3TR in Traralgon.

Rod and Bill Walker: Between them produce the Gnowangerup Star, a newspaper with a circulation of 800 in the small town of Gnowangerup, 400km south of Perth. The brothers are the third generation to run the paper. Their father Zic Walker edited the paper from 1944 until he died three years ago. Zic’s father, Augustine, started the paper in 1915, being the paper’s editor until Zic took over. Zic’s wife, Margaret, has also helped with the reporting a bookkeeping for the last 50 years. The Gnowangerup Star is one of Australia’s last family-owned newspapers.

Frank Walker: The Sun-Herald reporter started on the SMH in 1976 where his father, also Frank, had been a reporter before and after WW2. His brother Peter was also on the SMH in the 60s.

John “Duke” Wallis: Was sports editor of the Sunday Mirror and then the Daily Mirror before becoming cadet counsellor at News Limited following Jack Merchant into the job. Duke was the son of “Wally” Wallis, a compositor at News Limited and had a brother (Alan?) who was features editor on an Adelaide newspaper (News poss). John’s daughter Belinda worked on ABC radio a few years back and her mother was journalist Lois Miles last heard of working in Italy.

Max Walsh:
The Bulletin editor at large and his wife Geraldine Walsh have both worked at the SMH at the same time. Geraldine was Letters editor when she retired. Daughter Felicity is a graphic designer at the paper.

Michael Warner: Of the Herald Sun is grandson of legendary foreign correspondent Denis Warner.

Bill Whittaker: The veteran SMH racing writer has son, Mark, who recently left The Australian‘s colour magazine. Mark is the partner of Mike Willesee’s daughter Amy, and together they have recently published a book called The Road To Mount Buggery about curious Australian place names. Mark’s sister in law is Lisa Green of Elle Magazine.

Mike Willesee:
Media magnate and former ACA host spent many years with Nine, as did his son, also Mike, who is now in charge of the family company Transmedia. Former Daily Telegraph gossip columnist Amy Willesee is another of Mike’s offspring in the media and recently quit as a casual reporter at Who Weekly. Mike’s brother Terry is currently on air with Singo’s 2GB and does media training at a hotel owned by Mike. Mike’s youngest daughter Jo resigned as a researcher on the Great Outdoors in September and is now in Africa researching a documentary for her dad. Mike’s brother Don worked in television in various roles and was at Seven in Sydney in the seventies. Don is also a former Red Cross spokesman and is married to Gail Jarvis, the former Melbourne news reader who was hired and fired in spectacular fashion by Jonathon Shier. Geraldine Willesees was also a journo working in print and some TV in Sydney.

Vanessa Williams: The Herald Sun reporter is the daughter of the late Denis “Ding” Williams, press photographer-turned-reporter (who worked at Daily Mirror, NT News, Post Courier in PNG, Centralian Advocate in Alice Springs, Sunday Press and then at Aussie Post) and her mum is Veronica Peek who was a press photographer in Darwin. Vanessa’s partner Gordon Dann is a sub on the Sunday Herald Sun and son of Tom Dann, a former West Australian photographer.

Bruce Wilson: The long-serving London-based News Ltd foreign correspondent has a son Jim Wilson who is Channel 7’s Melbourne sports presenter and a daughter Rebecca Wilson appearing on ABC program The Fat.