David Marr is becoming a regular on Insiders, Crikey understands. What will the other media David – David Flint – have to say about that?Flint recently showered Insiders host Barrie Cassidy with praise in a feature in The Australian – praise at Marr’s expense. Flint spoke of Cassidy’s “skill” and “courage”.

He wrote “Recall Cassidy’s brave remarks on commercial TV about the ABC’s almost deranged attempt to impose an extraordinary dose of political correctness after 9/11: ‘At the ABC, a memo went out about a week ago to all radio commentators that they were not to say anything derogatory about the Taliban… So here I am on Channel10, I can say that the Taliban execute women for adultery. They’ve been known to throw acid in the face of young girls who don’t wear veils and so on. I can get it off my chest on Channel 10 but I can’t say it on the ABC.’ ”

Marr, in contrast, was “theatrical”. Indeed, article’s very introduction read, “The ideologically driven Media Watch should be more like the fair and balanced Insiders.” Will Flint now withdraw his imprimatur?