Our list of Bankers Trust
Australia alumni who have made it good after their stint at
industry-leading investment banks continues to grow with one kind soul
sending us the BT executive management list from 1992-96. It’s an
impressive lot of high-fliers, some of whom make the Millionaire’s
Factory down at Number One Martin Place, Sydney, look a little slow in
their career achievements. There’s even one former BTer who is now at
the Millionaire’s Factory in one of its newest offshoots!

alumni include several leading fund managers or founders of major funds
management groups. Warwick Negus with Peter Morgan at 452 capital, Keir
Neilson at Platinum, Paul Moore at PM Capital, Mike Crivelli at
Perennial, plus people on the board of the NSW Treasury Corp.

course there was Laurence Freedman who started Equitlink with Brian
Sherman after a couple of years at BT in the late 70s, and Chris
Corrigan, now at Patrick Corp. An impressive list of achievers.
Macquarie Bank alumni are doing well, but the BT crew were the
heavyhitters of their day and remain so.

Between 1992 and 1996 Rob Ferguson was the chief executive.

Then there was:

Bruce Hogan. He’s Chairman of State Super Financial Services. On the board of NSW Treasury Corp (also was on Coles Myer)
Ian Martin is on the board of Babcock and Brown
Jillian Broadbent. RBA, Coca Cola Amatil, Investec, etc
Peter Warne. Board member of Sydney Futures Exchange, and Next Financial. Large private interests in cattle farming
Paul Moore. Founder of Fund Manager PM Capital
Tom Pragastis. Head of Trading for Foreign Exchange and Derivatives in Asia for Citibank
Colin Roden. Head of Trading for Westpac Treasury
Ian Moore. Private Investor based in Byron Bay
Ivan Ritossa. Head of Foreign Exchange at Barclays Bank , London
Matt Levins . Head of Finanacial Markets Risk at CBA
Doyle Mallett. boutique funds manager
Rowan Ross as a member of the Executive Management Team. Consultant role at Macquarie Bank and a board member of IAG Aust

Other senior BT staff that have moved on successfully:

Farleigh. Moved to Bermuda in early 90s to run a hedge fund. Now an
exceedingly wealthy private investor based in Monaco. Big in tech stocks
Kerr Neilson. Founder of Platinum Funds Management
Andre Morony. Chief Investment Officer for the Commonwealth employees super scheme.
Greg Maughan. Board member, Australian Office of Financial Management, Michael Cole. Board member of NSW Treasury Corporation
Dominic Stevens. Management position at Challenger Financial
Warwick Negus. Joint founder of 452 Capital (with Peter Morgan)
Rob Coombe. Head of BT Funds Management (now part of Westpac)
Brian Scullin. Recently retired Head of Funds Management for Deutsche Bank in Asia.
Freedman. Worked as an investment analyst for two years before leaving
in 1980 to set up Equitilink (with Brian Sherman)
Bob Vagg. A former investment manager and a well known figure around the market in Sydney and still active
Khiem Do. In fixed interest and went elsewhere before going to Citibank Asia operations
Mike Crivelli. One of the founders of Perennial Funds Management
and of course, Chris Corrigan.

More contributions to dyerg@tpg.com.au