I spy with my little eye someone interesting is chatting on Mediaspy the website devoted to chat and gossip about Australian media, especially television.

This particular person has a very detailed knowledge about the workings of the Seven Network’s Sunrise program. In stock market terms that someone sounds like an ‘insider’ from the tone of the chart at Mediaspy. The topics discussed or raised on the site range from program content, to ideas generally, interviews, talent and the more than occasional dissecting of how various news readers and personalities look, especially females. Some of that comment is a little fixated and resembles ‘trainspotting’, so to speak.

There’s the odd interesting and informative reaction or comment among the postings but the one that has caught a few eyes over the past few months is a contributor called The Producer.

The Producer has been a frequent contributor since joining on Christmas Day in 2002. The comments, mostly about Sunrise, are well informed and chatty about the Seven network’s early morning success story. Sunrise has moved past the Nine Network’s Today Show over the past two years and continues to attract bigger audiences.

The Producer makes no secret of his interest and his affiliation with Sunrise . Could it really be Adam Boland, the Executive Producer not only of Sunrise but now Weekend Sunrise? Seems so!

He doesn’t identify himself, but reading through the ‘total cumulative posts’ since joining in late 2002, it’s clear its someone with power and influence at Sunrise , the way he talks about “we” and who the program has interviewed.

People at Seven credit Boland with much of the success, along with the hosts. Certainly it was his idea to revamp Sunday Sunrise. There’s been a change in tone in the postings from the original gentle tone to a sharper, more commanding approach lately. Is this what we call ‘staying connected with your target audience’?

Perhaps the producers in charge of the struggling Today Show should adopt this customer relationship management technique to get to know their viewers a little better and improve ratings. Seems to work for Sunrise !