A spectacular effort from the Victorian Libs. “Opposition police spokesman Kim Wells has been accused of being lazy and incompetent and unfit to hold his portfolio,” the Herald Sun reported on Saturday .

They’re being subtler in Queensland, where Liberal deputy Bruce Flegg seems to have been asserting himself. His rivals in the Caltabiano/Ciobo camp have put their Plan B into play. It appears that state president Caltabiano travelled down to the Gold Coast last week and had some quiet discussions with backers of his sole factional ally in the Parliamentary Wing, John Langbroek, the Member for Surfers Paradise. It is understood that the state Liberals’ hapless leader, Bob Quinn, who also holds the Gold Coast-based seat of Robina, was not invited. Quinn discovered what was going on a couple of days later.

All of this pales into insignificance when compared to the massive dummy spit from Alan Cadby, the Western Australian MLC who defected from the Liberal Party last year and, if this is anything to go by, seems certain to support the Gallop Government’s one vote, one value legislation when it goes to the state’s upper house this week. There’s too much to even begin to summarise here, but for a master class in how to drop a bucket load look at this .