It’s not just journos who jump on the public speaking bandwagon. A search of under politics will lead you to sites for two parliamentarians. You can read all about what NSW Liberal Legislative Councillor Charlie Lynn offers here, while his Liberal House of Representatives colleague from Sydney’s western fringe Pat Farmer flogs his wares here.

Farmer has some excuse for being there. Pre-politics, he was known for his ultra-marathon running. Here’s hoping neither is being paid to talk about politics – as taxpayers are already picking up their tabs. Time for a look in the Register of Members’ Interests?

Meanwhile, a spectacular range of journos appear on the same site: Alan Jones; Ellen Fanning; Emma Alberici; George Negus; Geraldine Doogue; Ian Leslie; Jacinta Tynan; Kerry O’Brien; Ken Sutcliffe; Lisa Wilkinson; Margaret Throsby; Mary Kostakidis; Maxine McKew; Noel Whittaker; Norman Swan; Peter Fitzsimmons; Phillip Adams; Rebecca Wilson; Richard Moorecroft; Richard Wilkins; Robert Gottliebsen; Robin Williams; Sandra Sully; Steve Lieberman; Tim Webster; Tony Jones; Tony Squires and Tracey Spicer, to name just a few.

And notice something? Yes, there are plenty of commercial media types there, but ABC and SBS names get a look in, too. Presumably they have to compensate for the poorer rates they get for their day jobs.