The military rumour mill is always notorious – but this email caught our interest:

Apparently the Kanimbla is sitting off the east coast somewhere, but has been told to doodle its way to Sydney so that Rodent and The Pet Poodle can arrange some convenient time to be there for an “official welcome” [translation: massive photo opportunity].

We know this because some of the crew disembarked in Darwin and are now here, plus the ship is within mobile phone range and there have been calls between those crew ashore, those aboard and, of course, their families. The families are spitting chips wanting to know why there’s a “delay” in getting their people back to shore, but of course Rodent’s office denies all knowledge… you know the rest, but certainly the ship’s crew all know why they have to wait another two or three days before they see their loved ones.

And you wonder why uniformed personnel are fed up to the back teeth of being used as political props for that ghastly gnome and his sleazy entourage?

CRIKEY: Can anyone confirm or deny?