Australian Rules and conservative politics seem to be inextricably
linked in Tasmania – and wannabe state Liberal leader Will Hodgman is
unimpressed that his party isn’t doing more to talk up the game in
Hobart. Young Will, like his father before him, wants to see the game
played in Tasmania’s south – and is said to most unhappy his
northern-based colleagues are refusing to budge on what he sees as a
political no-brainer.

He has a point. Once again, it seems that the Liberals under Rene
Hidding are mirroring the government and missing an opportunity for
much needed votes in the south.

Hodgman is a loyal deputy. He is reluctantly keeping his mouth shut in
public, but speaking with Senator Paul Calvert and other pro-Bellerive
heavyweights about pressing the case for the AFL in the south.

A change in policy could coincide with a change of leadership. What a neat issue to become a political football.

There goes the neighbourhood

We thought Alexander Downer gave quite an impressive history lesson on
Tuesday night – but what’s he got to say about the announcement that
Indonesia and China will work together to develop short range guided missiles.

They thought it noteworthy. There’s no appeasement going on, is there?