Tasmanians are due to go to a state election before the middle of next year – and the latest polling by local firm EMRS is bad news for the island state’s political leaders.

It suggests that Tasmania could end up with a hung parliament – and that punters aren’t impressed by Premier Paul Lennon or Opposition Leader Rene Hidding. Lennon’s preferred premier rating has dropped to 28%, while Hidding is down to just 14. In contrast, Greens leader Peg Putt is up to 6%.

The poll has the big parties winning 10 seats each, the Greens three, with two seats undecided. Labor and the Liberals say they won’t try to form minority governments but instead hold another election – although they claim their opponents are planning secret deals with the Greens.

Stay tuned for 12 months of threats over the Greens – and watch the Libs. EMRS asked its sample group to nominate any other preferred premiers. The two names that came up were Bob Brown and deputy opposition leader Will Hodgman.