The Ten Network has apologised for part of its Big Brother program – the part where a male inmate rubbed himself up against a female inmate in a lewd way (see the SMH report here).

apology came late yesterday afternoon in Ten’s second statement of the
week, which went further than the previous one by asserting that
“Network Ten takes viewer concerns and its responsibilities under the
Television Industry Code of Practice (The Code) very seriously.”

says it will “encourage” the producer, Southern Star Endermol to “again
reinforce these warnings to the housemates,” especially in respect to
behaviour towards women, and the producers will be encouraged to raise
awareness of these and other responsibilities among the housemates.

isn’t it all a bit late, considering the deliberate strategy by Ten and
Southern Star Endermol? After all, according to a story in The Age in May, the Big Brother
press kit distributed by Ten before the start of this year’s series
contained six condoms, an erotic game and a bottle of vodka – and that
“the Big Brother camp are hoping for at least a little raunch.”