Dear Christian: Do rednecks vote for chicks?

Dear Kate: In the wake of last Saturday’s landslide, ten of the 25 Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly will be women, putting it in the top ten examples of female parliamentary representation in the world. Three are indigenous women. Not only did Territorians vote for women, but the yarn has been big news in the Top End. OK, the story got bumped from the front page of the NT News – but it was by a pit bull attack, not another croc story. So, yes, rednecks seem to vote for chicks – or don’t worry about voting for them. Interesting times.
Dear Christian: What will we do for eye candy in Question Time with no John Anderson? Who will be parliament’s pin up boy?

Dear Jackie:Herald Sun editor Peter Blunden may have offered a solution. His paper put pictures of Victorian Premier Steve Bracks, his deputy (and Ando’s fellow gay idol) John Thwaites and Liberal leader Robert Doyle up on “All rated eight out of ten or better, seeming to indicate the world sees Spring St as a stamping ground for suit-wearing spunks. The Batman and Robin of state politics, Bracks and Thwaites, topped the looks stakes: Mr Bracks obtained an average rating of 9.1 out of ten, and Mr Thwaites a whopping 9.3,” journo Liam Houlihan reported earlier this week. Perhaps you could try something similar.
Dear Christian: Why is The Consulting Room so brief this week?

Dear Misha: Well, editor, you did say I could go to the Liberal Party Federal Council meeting…