Christian Kerr writes:

Ah, the joys of email filters. Part-time MP Clover Moore’s wild n’ wacky Sydney City Council will be doling out community grant funds
when it meets tonight. One of the applications recommended for approval
is $2,000 for Stript*ase Australia to “produce an information pamphlet
on Occupational Health and Safety issues for people working in the
Stript*ase industry.”

Meanwhile, an application from the Girl
Guides of NSW (East Metropolitan Region) for the “recruitment,
orientation and training of new Guide Leaders” has been recommended for
refusal by Clover Moore’s Council. And the Council’s sole Liberal,
Shayne Mallard, isn’t happy – but is finding it hard to protest. He
issued an email media release on the subject yesterday filled with
potentially naughty words – and asterisks – in an attempt to make sure
it actually got through to anyone – leading to pars like:

city needs to focus more on developing and nurturing young Australian
leadership than the s*x industry,” Mallard added. “Emails with the
words in them are blocked by the surf control and fire wall,” a
footnote at the end of the release read.

What’s a poor councillor to do in the face of all of this? F***!