premier Peter Beattie says he isn’t “particularly worried” about being
called an “a-grade ars*hole” by Mark Latham – perhaps because he has a
few other matters on his plate. Indeed, Crikey understands that the
light is less than bright for the premier of the Sunshine State, with
rumours abounding that Beattie is considering his future.

talk that some of Queensland’s major companies have been given hints
that the premier might be an asset on their boards – or be able to do
some useful work in consultancy positions (at arm’s length, naturally).

Beattie is currently grappling with challenges that include the
Bundaberg Hospital fiasco and the Fingleton case – a political
appointment turned even more political. And they’re only the headline

the media tart spent too long in the oven? Has the heat in the kitchen
just become too much for Beattie to bear? Is there more to come out?

plenty of potential in these stories, as they also suggest that if
there’s a vacancy at the top, it will not be filled by deputy premier
and treasurer Terry Mackenroth. Keeping up the culinary motif, there
seems to be enough in his past that reeks more than gorgonzola.