It’s ba-ack – worse than a certain Japanese horror flick. We thought Media Watch
had put the issue of the Mark Latham buck’s night video to bed almost
12 months ago. Now one of those “a friend of a friend says” emails has
reached Crikey:

When Latham was Labor leader last year there was a meeting
with all the premiers and Latham in Melbourne. Latham was extremely
surly at the meeting, but pepped up for the media conference
afterwards. The premiers were very p*ssed off at him over his
behaviour. Then they all went off to a lunch put on by Bracks at the
National Gallery of Victoria, where Latham remained surly and
uncommunicative. During the lunch, conversation turned to the infamous
buck’s night video. Several of the premiers expressed outrage about the
allegations, muck raking, etc. One of them said something along the
lines of: “it’s outrageous, it doesn’t even exist,” to which Latham
responded: “It does.”

Sorta inevitable, given the last week – but do we really want to go there?