Despite denials from
all directions, Crikey has received yet another tip about Steve
Vizard’s intriguing web of business alliances. We’ve already written
about the possible connection between Vizard, an umbrella company
called Communicate Pty Ltd and a Melbourne advertising agency called
See. Since Vizard began his unpaid (we are told) “consulting” work at
See, the agency has won accounts for the National Australia Bank, the
Melbourne Commonwealth Games and the National Gallery of Victoria.

Coincidence? Maybe. And here’s another one – sent by an anonymous tipster yesterday – to add to the list:

I read with interest your piece on Steve Vizard and his
relationship with See Life Differently (which is the self-conscious
full name for the advertising company to which you refer as “See”).
Vizard can occasionally be spotted swanning around in See’s trendy
bayside warehouse-conversion offices. I am unaware of whether or not he
has a direct financial stake in See, but See’s employees sometimes
refer to him as “the silent partner.”

Interestingly, See carried out advertising work for the
Victorian Major Events Corp while Vizard was VMEC’s chairman. The work
done was related to the 2007 World Swimming Championships, and guess
who was also chairman of Melbourne 2007 World Swimming Championships
Corp at that time? Yep, it was Vizard.