Not only has the NSW ALP been reduced to running its “Sharon, what’s
the name of that new Premier?” ads,
Crikey hears that the bruvvers are taking nothing for granted in Carmel
Tebbutt’s campaign in Marrickville.

The focus groups seem to be at work, with local voters being asked to
discuss what they think of Tebbutt, what she stands for, her
profile and for feedback on campaign material. The focus groups are
also being asked similar questions to Sharon: “what’s the name of that
new Premier? Morris I-eeeema?”

There is, alas, no word on the issue most pressing to Crikey readers –
why are Iemma’s handlers insisting that he never stands front-on to the
camera? It looks as if he’s about to run away. Or is that some Sussex
Street subtlety beyond our ken?