QUESTION: Where were these words published today? 1) Press release from
shadow foreign minister Kevin Rudd; 2) Fabian Society website; 3)
Editorial in The Australian; 4) ABC radio interview with Julian Burnside QC; 6) David Marr op-ed column in The Sydney Morning Herald; 6) Email to members of the ACT branch of Australian Council for Civil Liberties.

“The Government says American visitor Scott Parkin has got to go, but nobody will tell us why.”

Parkin is a vigorous opponent of the war in Iraq and a fierce critic of
the Halliburton company … But this is no reason to deport him, just
because ASIO says so.”

“Political activism is no excuse to use laws intended to keep Australia safe against a visitor who has done us no harm.”

are pragmatic people, willing to accept restrictions to our rights if
it will reduce the risk of terror attack. But community support cannot
be assured if evidence emerges that the power to detain people can be
misused by either bungling or bullying bureaucrats who think they can
do what they like to other Australians, or foreigners legitimately in
the country.”

“And on this issue, officialdom already has
form, demonstrated by the deportation of Australian citizen Vivian
Alvarez and the incarceration of life-long resident Cornelia Rau.”

… the national defence should never give any government agency the
power to do what it likes, knowing that ministers will keep its
mistakes quiet.”