I saw Stephen Mayne’s comments yesterday about the RACV AGM and some allusions to the situation “North of the Border.”

NRMA Motoring & Services held its AGM on Wednesday and such notable commentators and well-known protectors of shareholder interests such as Jack Tilburn complimented us on our Annual Report and Financial Statements and our willingness to provide information. Indeed many members afterwards said it was the best AGM they have attended.

As regards elections, not only does the NRMA provide the opportunity for each candidate to have a 200 word statement but also links to websites, and we also ran a blog for members to participate in. We also had a record 327,000 members vote in the election and I believe the members will be well served by the outcome.

I believe that our actions demonstrate that democracy is alive and well “North of the Border” and NRMA Motoring & Services is going from strength to strength. I firmly believe that the more open and transparent you are, the better of the organisation will be. Not only are we a club, but also a billion dollar company which all the shareholders (i.e. the members) are entitled to satisfy themselves is being run well and properly for their benefit.

Maybe the south could learn some lessons from us.