Money where his mouth is: Is Luca Belgiorno-Nettis – part of the old Transfield Belgirono-Nettis dynasty – working on a new political party? These comments he made on a New Matildaforum
last year were interesting: “Do not pretend that the lies will stop
when Howard’s watch is up. No matter what colour the party in
Government, the lies begin and end with the party. Such is the nature
of party politics.”

The Donald, trendsetter: They’re still all talking about Rupert’s hair colour – but does Justice Michael Kirby use the same tonsorial tradesman? Thinning hair tinted a Trump red? Spooky!

It’s the Pitts:
The Liberal Party claims it is facing an uphill battle to hold the seat
of Pittwater in the November 26 by-election, with party polling showing
an independent ahead in the hitherto blue-ribbon seat, the Sydney Morning Herald
reports today. Fits with what we’ve heard. Thanksgiving Day is the
November 24, the by-election is two days after – and Liberal candidate
Paul Nicolaou looks like a turkey, going by this local media pic: