The unions have been nobbled, the student Trots been got, the rest of
Telstra will be sold sooner or later – with Big Kev dead and Henry Kaye
otherwise occupied there are plenty of mug punters out there – but when
are we going to see the destruction of the last bastion of socialism in
Australia? I refer, of course, to the Australian Institute of Sport.

Prominent members of the Howard Government often condemn the pernicious
period that were the Fraser years. Now, here is their chance to end one
of that unhappy era’s most baleful legacies – the East German sports
system that was set up after Australia bombed at the Montreal Olympics
back in 1976.

East German sports system literally. Look at some of the coaches and
athletes we’ve scrounged up since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

And look at what exactly goes on out there at Bruce in the Australian
Capital Territory. It’s virtually a taxpayer funded eugenics program –
creating heroes for socialist realist art – at massive cost to the
public purse. Sport should be user pays. After all, there’s no shortage
of big money in the game. Why should the public foot the bill?

Prove that the VSU bill was about principal, not just revenge for being
laughed at as student nerds. Storm the ramparts of the AIS!