The calm before the storm: Here’s a nice Chrissie Compare-and-Contrast for political tragics. The latest Morgan Poll
of federal voting intention is out today. It shows primary support and
two party preferred support has swung back to the Government but still
puts Labor in a winning position – on 54% compared with 46% for the Coalition on a 2PP basis. The poll, however, was taken
before Sunday’s strife in Sydney, so… Isn’t that a lovely Christmas
present for you wonks?

More reshuffle rumours: Brendan Nelson may be feeling left out
with the Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook and all the tax talk
that’s going around – or is there more to the rumour du jour, that he
may end up in a significant economic portfolio if there’s a New Year

Prolix podcast: “Have a look at the ALP’s No Work Choice jingle
consternated comrades urge Crikey. “It’s as long winded as Kim
Beazley,” one says. “It goes for six minutes and is simply snippets of
Question Time in the Reps with elevator music in the background.”