Despite being humiliated at the last preselection, former South
Australian Liberal Party president, Bob Randall – a once MP two decade
ago and perennial candidate since under a wide variety of political
flags – continues to spam long-suffering party members.

He recently sent out a missive on the Relationships Bill – legislation
designed to improve the rights of same sex couples in a state that once
led the nation in gay law reform that collapsed when local Labor’s
rampant religious right rained fire and brimstone down on the proposal.

He’s since followed it up with a clarification:

I recently sent you an email re the Legislative Council
debate on the Statutes Amendment (Relationships No 2) Bill commonly
known as the “same sex” Bill.

After recent discussion with David Ridgway MLC, I have agreed to advise
from Hansard records, the results of the vote taken in the Legislative
Council. It should be noted that the Bill would have passed the
Legislative Council regardless of the support given by [Liberal MLCs]
David Ridgway, Michelle Lensink and Robert Lawson.

There is expected to be a Liberal Legislative Council vacancy in South Australia early in the year.

MLC Angus Redford is contesting the marginal Liberal seat of Bright in
the March election. If he fails, his own right faction has hinted he
won’t be welcomed back to the red leather benches.

Randall is rumoured to be interested in the position. His conduct must delight his putative colleagues.