Some guidelines have reached Crikey regarding the NSW Parliament’s exciting new Video Hansard:


Video Hansard is a
joint development between the Legislative Assembly, Parliamentary Information
Technology Services, and Parliamentary Reporting Services (Hansard).

The Parliament of
New South Wales (the Parliament) supports and encourages the dissemination and
exchange of information. However, it advises those who access the material in
the Visionbytes Pty Ltd (Visionbytes) ‘vision::player’ application that it is
protected by copyright, which is vested in the Crown.

The Parliament
asserts the right to be recognised as the author of the information in this
application and the right to have it remain unaltered. The playback of video
and audio of proceedings is made available to provide greater access to the
proceedings of the New South Wales Parliament.

The New South
Wales Parliament makes the video and audio material available on the following

i. The material
shall not be used for:

  • political party
    advertising or election campaigning;

  • satire or ridicule…

In other words, no sniggering. And links between
the Labor left and Chaser boys will count for nothing.