Yesterday, we reported that eight members of last year’s Crikey Revised Wealth (CRW) Rich List – created by Crikey to cover the gaps in BRW‘s yearly effort – had made it onto this year’s BRW Rich List. Well, there were actually nine 2005 CRW rich listers who graduated to BRW‘s ranks this year. And it seems we forgot to include the richest new rich lister – “Barramundi” Tom Hedley, the plumber turned property magnate who recently sold his Hedley Hotels Group to Coles Myer for $306 million and who debuts in BRW with a cool fortune of $515 million.

Apart from this recent sale, and the extensive work of Hedley Constructions in Queensland (his name is linked to half the construction activity and pubs in Cairns) and the work of Hedley Group’s property management, plumbing, sheet metal and joinery divisions, Hedley has “an extremely low profile”, says BRW, in its one-page feature on Barramundi Tom. Riiight. (Perhaps that’s why we missed him yesterday.)