The Pope is a Catholic. Nicole
Kidman is a Catholic. But Nicole was never married to Tom, and that
comes from an infallible source.

On Monday, columnist for London’s Sunday Times and Time magazine, Andrew Sullivan, a devout Catholic, wondered
how it was that Kidman and country crooner Keith Urban were having a
Catholic wedding, what with Nicole being a divorcee and all that. Later
that day, the BBC explained all – the
Catholic Church had ruled that Scientology weddings are not the real
thing, but rather an adult version of kids playing “Mummy and Daddy”.

church’s ruling spared Kidman from the messy and controversial business
of gaining an annulment, something that it has been accused in the past
of handing out to those with high profiles and deep pockets.

Yesterday, Sullivan was back on the case with this post featuring the famous “naked embrace” photo of Tom Cruise and Nicole from the cover of Time magazine: “Two kids? Irrelevant. Cover of Time? Never happened. Graphic s-x scenes? Hey, we’ve got a Hollywood actress plugging our brand!”

a gay man who has had his battles with the Church on that issue, says
“I love my church … the stricture against a Catholic’s divorce and
remarriage is absolute – and a Catholic who obeyed the rules all along,
and got married in a Catholic first wedding, would be denied the
sacraments and barred from re-marrying in church.”

What, and let a couple of thousand years of theology and practice stand in the way of a “fairytale wedding”?