Like good comedy, good politics depends on a sense of timing. Sometimes, the universe conspires to serve up opportunities made of pure gold. Think Bert Newton and Michael Cole at the Logies. Or John Howard and Tampa at the 2001 election.

Most of the time though, timing is made. It is a matter of skill, experience and judgment. The timing of a federal election is particularly fraught. Too early and the messages get lost in the campaign hurly-burly. Too late and you risk becoming stale and boring … or at least too stale and too boring.

So how can you tell when the timing is just right? Crikey knows how.

Clive Marshall is a numerologist with over 30 years’ experience. He is a newspaper columnist, radio talk-back guest, and numerology and marketing consultant for the security, automotive, fashion, and entertainment industries, among others.

Clive’s numerology guide to possible election dates tells us what dates are good for which party and why. Hope you’re paying attention, John.


Implications for the ALP

Implications for the Coalition

27 October

The success of this date will be very dependent on whether Kevin is being supported by his party and if any red herrings are thrown into the equation. As long as any outstanding problems or issues from the last month have been resolved, Labor should do well.

The Libs must have new policies, direction and a structure that people will believe to do well on this date. Memories of mistakes made by the Libs will be playing on the minds of many.

3 November

This date will favour the leader or party that is the flavour of the day and how well they have projected or sold their image to the electorate.

The general feeling will be excitement for change. Hearing more from Julia at this time will work well.

The formula for the Libs’ success on this date will be dependent on direction and flexibility. A feeling of both strength and the public being listened to would work in their favour.

10 November

This date favours Labor, providing the electorate thinks of Labor as being colourful and creative, ‘humanised,’ not ‘too political.’ Polling will probably be all over the place, quite unpredictable.

For the Libs to get a favourable result on this date, the involvement of John in something colourful is required. This date is a date of surprises when it comes to polling. The public will be voting from the hip and will be making their minds up at the last minute (and go away wondering if they have made the right decision.)

17 November

Same as for November 3 above.

Same as for November 3 above.

24 November

Labor will not fare well on this date unless Kevin has been seen to be stronger than John. Labor must have presented a rock solid plan and structure for the future. Law and Order will be playing on the minds of many on this date.

Providing something crazy hasn’t happened — the veritable rabbit out of the hat syndrome just before this date — this is a good date for the Libs.

Any signs of lying or misrepresentation of the truth will sorely bite the Libs on the bum if they go to the polls on this date.

1 December

Pretty good for Labor. Kevin needs to be a bit ‘out there’ and be seen to be having fun. He must present a structure and have his act together in regards to facts and figures, laugh at situations rather than take them too seriously. He should be seen to be warm.

Stability is the key word for John, but also with a splash of colour. He must be seen to be relaxed and smiling, and crack a joke or two. This is not an ideal day for the Libs.

8 December

This is a better day for Labor, but could be affected by a “rabbit out of the hat” from the Libs very close to the election date.

It would be a very brave move by the Libs to call the election on this day. Not the best timing.