You will have all seen yesterday’s corporate affairs announcements about News Limited’s commitment to cut its greenhouse emissions and the launch of the 1º campaign.

As you will all be aware this is part of the company’s international commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. You should all appreciate that this should not and will not change our paper’s position on reporting of greenhouse issues. There have been some silly comments on the web about our coverage somehow undermining News Corporation’s campaign.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Anybody who has watched our coverage carefully will know the paper’s editorial position on climate change moved more than two years ago. We have published hundreds of opinion pieces, news stories and features covering various aspects of the climate change debate this year.

We will continue to publish pieces from activists on either side of that debate. We should never feel this is an issue upon which scepticism can not cast its eye. The Australian is not a paper for undergraduates.

Our editorials will be economically rational, rather than zealous, in their approach to climate change and our wider coverage should reflect the full spectrum of climate change debate. All of this is well within the spirit of the proprietor’s climate change announcement of May 10.

Chris Mitchell
The Australian