GetUp! brings Willie Horton down under. GetUp’s new TV spot featuring London bombing survivor Louise Barry calling on the Prime Minister to pull out of Iraq is certainly high impact – but does the left wing activist group understand what they’re doing? You can watch the ad here.

They appear to have opened the door to a flood of third party, high impact, American-style aggressive attack advertising. GetUp! has brought Willie Horton down under.

BYO Towel. Meanwhile, the GetUp GetTogethers have been hailed as a great success, none more so than for Carolyn from Cowes, Phillip Island, who seemed to propose something a little more than just discussing climate change — see her GetTogether invite here.

And we though Barry O’Farrell was a good choice. The NSW Liberals ran an ad in The Australian ’s media section for a pressie for the leader of the opposition – a six month temporary role. Are they now going through leaders that quickly?

Punter’s pal. Andrew Leigh from the ANU presents all the odds on every federal seat over at his blog.

Unfortunate choice of words. Fairfax’s Brisbane Times reports that retailers of ice pipes and bongs will face massive penalties under a major drugs crackdown. Their choice of words, however, is unfortunate: “Police and a crack team of 80 Queensland Health officials will be responsible for enforcing the new laws…” Crack team. Geddit?

The plod and the press. The federal flatfoots have told the Telegraph that reporter Justin Vallejo and photographer Toby Zerna will be charged with trespass after they entered supposedly secure areas of Sydney Airport as part of an expose of its vulnerability to a terror attack in the lead-up to APEC. And Crikey also hears that A Current Affair may be the next to hear a knock on the door after a yarn earlier this week — which saw bags abandoned at a series of locations including Sydney Airport and Melbourne’s Flinders Street Station to see how long it would take for anyone to notice — left officials unimpressed.

The big issue of the week. A caller to Brisbane’s 4BC yesterday swore Kevin Rudd’s hair colour had got blonder.