Dear Constituents and Friends

You will recall that I wrote to you in March that the regime has cracked and that the transition to a free and prosperous Zimbabwe is clearly visible on the horizon, although it may be some time before we can regain control of our lives through a new, democratically elected government.

Recent events, although both disturbing and frustrating, have confirmed this prediction. Zanu PF is fighting among itself – the “coup plot” is just the tip of the iceberg – but more importantly is busy doing all its usual nonsense while the country is falling headlong into serious economic chaos. It has no solution whatsoever to this economic crisis. Indeed, when I asked the Acting Leader of the House of Assembly (Mnangagwa!) a couple of weeks ago what NEW policy measures government was putting in place to deal with inflation, he stated quite unapologetically that they had no new policy measures, but would let us know when they did!!

You will also recall my suggestion that you link up with friends and neighbours as we face what lies ahead, because we need to stand together and help each other. This reaching out and mutual support appears to me even more important today, as we enter a period of serious difficulty for most of us. We simply can no longer cope with these prices – yesterday we faced a bus fare of $40,000 to get into town (80,000 to go from one side of Harare to another, 160,000 return), 200,000 for one litre of petrol, 25,000 for a loaf of bread, 200,000 for a replacement key, 180,000 for a watch battery – and don’t forget that those thousands were MILLIONS this time last year!

What will it cost to get a plumber or an electrician or to get a car repaired? What if we fall sick, or have an accident? Can we pay the bills? And who will make sure we are helped in hospital? Will there be any doctor on duty? Will they have the necessary medicines? Even if we can afford the school fees, will our children and grandchildren actually be taught anything worthwhile at school?

This is the situation today, but what will it be in a month’s time, or by the end of the year? Serious economists have suggested our inflation will reach 1 MILLION% by November – and the American ambassador suggested yesterday it would be 1,5 MILLION% by December!!

Clearly the country will no longer function in such a situation – indeed already it is not functioning properly in many spheres, as we know. Therefore we have to help each other and make contingency plans, to be as prepared as we can be for any emergency or unrest. We are not a country at war, but we are in the kind of situation prevailing in a country at war, and we need to realise this and plan accordingly.

At home, make sure you always have some water stored, some candles and matches, some emergency rations, etc. At neighbourhood level, see how you can help or get help with water, power, transport, emergency response – eg one person with a vehicle could offer transport if another could provide some fuel and another repair the vehicle, etc. If you can help the elderly, the sick, the vulnerable in your neighbourhood, so much the better. Families with members outside the country should alert those members that they may need assistance, and indicate what that assistance might be.

Do not leave your plans to the last minute, hoping that maybe it won’t be necessary. It probably WILL be necessary to react to various emergencies in the next few months, so BE PREPARED! Remember that those who are prepared are always in the lead.

The good thing about our situation is that we know that it is all part of the process of CHANGE. Don’t forget that you can play your part in bringing about the positive change we all yearn for, both by being prepared to cope with emergencies and also by actively SPEEDING THAT CHANGE ALONG. How? One of the most effective ways is always to hit where it hurts – the pocket. Don’t buy from them, withdraw your business and take it elsewhere. That alone would make a huge difference. Don’t believe that business is not political – in this country, everything is political!

Meanwhile also be prepared to vote, even if it means using the current discredited system – so check that your name is on the voters roll, if you are entitled to vote. If you have changed your name or address, register those changes on the voters roll. Make sure your children and those of your friends, workmates and neighbours register as soon as they turn 18.

We can be sure that change is definitely on the way. There is no government in the history of the world which has ever survived inflation of the magnitude forecast this year in Zimbabwe. So let us keep this in mind as we prepare ourselves and our families for the months that lie ahead – CHANGE IS ON THE WAY!