When Prime Minister John Howard lost his YouTube virginity yesterday morning, he probably didn’t expect a search of his name to rank his two-minute long piece behind videos entitled “John Howard is a farting fossil fuel” and “John Howard downloads some p-rn”.
But such are the hazards of the undisciplined, uncontrolled and unfiltered online environment. You enter at your peril, Mr PM, and can’t chose your bedfellows.
We tried to find yesterday’s video announcing his position on climate change. We searched, as you would, for ”John Howard”. Here are the search results on page one:
Can’t see Howard’s video. Understandable, it has only been out for a day, it probably hasn’t received enough hits to rank on the first page. Next… Nope, not on page two either. *Click*
Well there’s Labor’s response below, “John Howard Asleep on Climate Change”, it ranks high enough to make page number three… Where, oh where, is Howard’s video? Is that it at the bottom left-hand corner. Looks promising…nope, false alarm, it’s a parody.
There it is! Hint: It’s called “Prime Minister John Howard climate…”
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The depth of Howard hate on YouTube IS impressive
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