Here we go again folks, the key words from the Sydney 7.45am ABC News Bulletin from Monday to Friday, 400 pages of news and current events crammed into this tag cloud for your perusal. The week in 100 words:

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And what lucky — and unlucky — numbers came up in this week’s news draw? Drumroll please… 

120. Gigabytes of information — equivalent to 31,000 pages of documents –needed to be reviewed in the Haneef case according to Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, who said he was satisfied with the police request for more time to interview Dr Mohamed Haneef.

200,000.  Number of trees purportedly saved by publishers of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows using recycled and forest-friendly paper. The seventh instalment in the HP saga is being touted as the greenest book in publishing history.

300 million plus. The number of copies sold of the first six Harry Potter novels.

300 million.  The dollar amount the Australian Tax Office is hoping to reap from Operation Wickenby, its largest ever investigation into off-shore tax fraud and money laundering.

13 million.  The dollar figure the government has already sunk into OpWick.

318,092. The dollar figure of the tax avoidance (through fraudulent off-shore transactions) that saw promoter Glenn Wheatley become OpWick’s first major scalp.

1,200. The number of copies of the final instalment,  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , distributed prematurely.

11. The percentage of people above pension age who are still working in the UK; record levels and 3% higher than during the 1990s.

37 . The percentage of Americans aged 18-24 who drink coffee daily; a 21% increase on 2003.

40.24 billion. Australia’s combined national credit bill in dollars, up $35.9 million on 12 months ago.