Shrubhuggers and Stalinists provide much of Crikey’s commentary nowadays – and they seem very, very worried that Labor might win this year’s federal election.

They’re concerned that Kevin Rudd is electable. They’d much rather he modelled himself on the Victorian Socialist Left of half a century ago.

Politics is about compromise. It ain’t necessarily nice, but it’s a fact of life, like death and taxes. Particularly if you’re the major opposition party, as opposed to some fringe dwellers.

Gough Whitlam might not have been very good in government, but he knew how to get there. Indeed, it formed the subject of two of his greatest gibes.

The first, from February 1966, was directed at the “12 witless men” of Labor’s federal executive who opposed state aid to independent schools. Whitlam, the then deputy leader, was censured and almost expelled for it.

He was opposition leader when he said the second: “The impotent remain pure.”

It’s as true now as it was back then.

And while they won’t admit it, the shrubhuggers and Stalinists recognise realpolitik to a limited extent.

They know John Howard’s a much easier target. That’s why they want to keep him there.