This morning, in the Brisbane Magistrates’ Court, Haneef’s case was adjourned to 3pm today pending the CDPP Damian Bugg’s decision on what he euphemistically calls a “review of the file”.

Too little, too late. Bugg should have been handling (or at least closely supervising) this important matter from the beginning.

The evidence in the case has collapsed and Bugg would be in breach of his own policy guidelines if he proceeded. In my opinion, at 3pm Bugg will withdraw the charge and that will be the end of this fundamentally flawed prosecution.

Haneef will then go into immigration custody because of the revoked visa. Federal Minister Andrews will have to immediately review that revocation in the light of Bugg’s withdrawal but there is little doubt that the visa will remain revoked.

Haneef’s lawyers say that Haneef wants to go home to India so they are unlikely to seek to prevent a deportation. Haneef will be promptly deported. But I could be wrong…