Instead of crunching 400 pages of ABC News radio transcripts into a tag cloud this week, we bring you  the full catalogue of amendments by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to  John Howard’s Wikipedia entry, squished into a tag cloud.

Some of the more notable Wikipedia edits traced to the Prime Minister’s department, such as, “Poo bum dicky wee wee” don’t show up here, but we were particularly struck by the words “cockatoo”, “mormon” and “gary”. Hmm.  

And then there’s the week in numbers, which isn’t nearly as silly:

7634%: the official rate of inflation in Zimbabwe

100,000%: the official IMF estimate of Zimbabwean inflation by the end of the year.

500: the number of tanning salons in Melbourne.

1: the number of melanomas it takes to kill you.

8.0: the Richter scale magnitude of the earthquake off Peru off that killed 500.

85,000: the number of buildings destroyed.

230kmh: the wind speed at the heart of Hurricane Dean.

499,000: the number of internally displaced Iraqis before the US ”surge”.

1.1 million: the number of internally displaced Iraqis this week.

221,000: job losses in the US mortgage industry so far this month.

42%: reported Liberal Party vote in Malcolm Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth.

44%: the reported ALP vote.