Crikey received the following missive from within the bowels of SBS Sydney. Happy campers are a bit thin on the ground at the multicultural network you’d have to conclude.

You guys are way off the bat on SBS. The rot as been setting in for the last three years in a really big way.

First it started with a great many hated/incompetent former CH7 managers being imported, then Shaun Brown was really let loose. If you want to see what SBS will finally look like go have a gander at the TV in New Zealand. It really looks like five different flavors of CH10.

The engineers, the tradesmen, those who actually know and understand television from a technical to a creative level have all been fired or pushed aside at SBS. It is now full of imposter’s who are more interested in shagging each other in a frenzy of looking good rather than having any real knowledge on how to actually run a television station.

The real knowledge is all but gone from SBS. Those that are left are trying to hang on either to retirement or hoping for a payout, but the managers are hell bent to fire anyone for any minor indiscretion. It’s more like a prison camp than a place of work.

I know one person with 20 years at the station who was fired for not telling his “manager” he was going out for a ciggy. Yes, you have to tell your manager even if you are going out for a p-ss otherwise it may get you the bullet. Studio crews are being f-cked over left, right and centre to the point where only the desperate will work there now.

They have dropped wages, called people in for a full day but stand them down for two hours in the middle of the day then pull them back in so they can save a few bucks. Some of these guys live over an hour away so it’s a really bad way of screwing them. That was after they took all of the studio crews’ facilities away from them.

Then we have the Mary/news/Sport/Stan saga. Mary has been treated with contempt. There she has been thrown out into the press packs of the junior hacks league. Yes, that’s right, she has been thrown out into the field to cover cr-p which is normally assigned junior reporters. I have had her wide eyed looking at me saying, “What on earth am I supposed to do here?” This is a woman who is at supposedly the peak of her career. She should be doing proper multi cam sit down interviews in sumptuous surroundings with her own permanent crew, not thrown out onto the streets with the hungry hacks jostling with elbows and knees to get the best position.

I suspect Mary would have been placed outside of APEC with the police, protesters and a good chance of ingesting a lung full of CS gas.

Now SBS Sport has bit the dust and adverts have been introduced it’s all down hill. So many good industry people were lost when sport got shafted.

As for Stan don’t be surprised to find out shortly he is looking for a new bolt hole as even he can smell the sh-t piling up around him to the point he will need wings to stay above it soon. Now all production is gone, that is all subcontracted out in total contravention of the SBS charter. Half of the building is empty anyway, that many staff have been fired.

The hyenas are out savaging the gentle folk who used to make SBS a first class station.