Last week, Crikey published the full Crosby/Textor internal Liberal polling and analysis that the Murdoch tabloids were banging on about.

It’s a pity Rupert’s finest didn’t seem to understand a word of it when it was delivered into their hot little hands. Still, now we can have a squiz at “Oz Track 33”, the Crosby-Textor document and do what they couldn’t – like actually understand it.

This document fills in the missing links to our regular polling analysis. We already know where the swings are happening, but this gives us the “why” – it tells us the demographic composition of the swings and the issues that are driving voter change.

It’s bleak for the Coalition – so bleak that… Well, you can read the details on the website, but talk about the election being a circuit breaker is simply for internal Coalition consumption.

The Liberal leadership knows they’ve lost. They’ve conceded the election, which is why they are running a firewall strategy.

They have lost but cannot tell their own marginal seat holders because a riot will break out and turn a defeat into destruction.

Read the full analysis on our website here.