Climate Institute spends big on ad campaign: The independent Climate Institute will today launch a $2.5 million campaign, tackling climate change through the eyes of an intuitive nine-year-old. It will be the biggest advertising campaign ever by an Australian climate or environment non-government organisation. See the ad here. – The Climate Institute

Big-Mac green drive crashes Japanese Govt website: A Japanese government website crashed Wednesday as people visited the site to take advantage of a McDonald’s offer for a half-price Big Mac in exchange for pledging to fight global warming. – Environmental Leader

The bigger the truck, the better for the environment: According to the study conducted by the Canadian Trucking Alliance-Natural Resources Canada, longer trucks produce lesser harmful emissions and even help in improving highway safety. The Nova Scotia government is studying at how longer truck configurations could operate in the province. – Online Black Jack

Australia faces ‘permanent dry’: The story of Australia’s worst dry spell in a thousand years continues to astound. Last year we learned, “One farmer takes his life every four days.” This year over half of Australia’s agricultural land is in a declared drought. How bad is it? – Gristmill

Australia and Indonesia to protect forest: A joint forestation initiative between Australia and Indonesia will preserve 70,000 hectares of peat land forests in the Kalimantan region, re-flood 200,000 hectares of dried peat and plant up to 100 million new trees on rehabilitated peat land. The 30-year project is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 700 million tonnes. – Hugg