The only thing certain about this year’s Federal Election is that there will be one. Sometime.

From today until polling day Crikey will keep the content coming, filling your inbox and our new election website homepage with our trademark brand of insight, insider knowledge and idle pointscoring. For Campaign Crikey we’ll be supplementing our editorial team and adding special features to help you analyse what shapes as one of the most fascinating electoral contests since … well, the last one that was fascinating.

We haven’t hired Laurie Oakes, but when campaigning begins in earnest we will bring you regular despatches from: Christian Kerr, Richard Farmer, Stephen Mayne, Wayne Errington, John Hewson, Guy Rundle, Paul Comrie-Thompson, Margaret Simons on media, Adam Kilgour on spin, Helen Razer on the tech campaign, Mungo MacCallum, Jeff Sparrow, David Flint, Mark Bahnisch, Norman Abjorensen and David MacCormack. Plus the poll-driven analysis of Mumble Politics superwonk Peter Brent and the superior blogging skills of Possum Comitatus. There will be others. Australia’s leading political interviewer, Kerri-Anne Kennerley, is still thinking about it. 

And watch out for our daily Crikey/Morgan video reactor, the Crikey election super map, and Crikey’s patented daily state of the parties Richter Scale.

You’ll read it first and finest in Crikey.