Real problem behind water shortage. Every year, World Water Week gathers experts and UN officials in their thousands, uttering vitriolic statements, holding meetings and forming alliances—but ignoring the real problem that prevents a billion people getting decent water: bad management. — BD Africa

New forests ‘could capture gasses’: Up to two-thirds of Australia’s greenhouse emissions could be captured and stored in a nation-building campaign to plant millions of native trees and shrubs over the next 50 years, according to the chief scientist. The Australian

Melting ice cap brings diamond hunters and hopes of independence to Greenland: Helicopters have been hard to hire in Greenland this summer. In most countries that would not be a big problem, but for the locals on the world’s biggest island – where there are no road networks and sparse settlements are often 100 miles apart – it can make life tricky. The scarcity has been caused by a diamond rush with prospectors, mostly from North America, believing they can strike it rich. As the ice cap recedes due to rising temperatures, rock covered for centuries could produce spectacular finds. — The Guardian

Qld’s CarbonSim and LogicaCMG to manage Ford’s emissions. Queensland-based CarbonSim has landed a lucrative partnership with LogicaCMG to moniter and manage manufacturing-related environmental data worldwide for Ford Motor Company. Ford will use Emissions logic, originally developed in Australia by LogicaCMG and CarbonSim. – QBR

U-turn on “An Inconvenient Truth” in British schools: A lorry driver from Kent has forced the Government to rewrite guidance for schools that want to show Al Gore’s climate change film, An Inconvenient Truth. Stewart Dimmock, a father of two, brought a High Court action against the screening of the documentary in schools, claiming that it was “politically partisan” and “sentimental”. — Times Online

Councils warned on climate change. Local governments will need to take a big role in helping Australia cope with climate change, Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned. This would include reviewing their policies on everything from stormwater drainage to bushfire management and pest control. — The Age