Crikey has this morning intercepted and unscrambled dangerous ALP propaganda using advanced Cold War code-breaking techniques:

KMAIL: Comrades. Please be taking observance at glorious history of party chairman Rudd.  YouTubing comrade hmatkin make use of technology to beauteous effect:

And, in further news decoded from encrypted party circular…

GMAIL: Comrades. Deputy Opposition (Dear) Leader Julia Gillard today address media sympathetic to cause: FOX FM, 3AW and NOVA.

Ben Packham and Gerard McManus at dirty reactionary paper tiger Herald Sun say Gillard still almost socialist and therefore kind of communist:

In other news, Julia Gillard has been accused of dishonesty by the Government after revelations she was still a member of Socialist Forum as recently as five years ago. Documents reveal the deputy Labor leader was also on the management committee of Socialist Forum — a vehicle set up for disaffected communists to join the Labor Party — until at least 1994.

Over the past week, Ms Gillard has described her membership of the activist group as a distant remnant of her university days when she was in her early 20s. Ms Gillard, now 46, had also claimed her role was limited to that of a typist and clerical duties, and described the group’s function as that of a “sort of debating society”. Last night, Ms Gillard said there was no contradiction in her accounts.

Gillard cleverly disarm communist questioning with Kate and Hughesy using technique borrowed from observation of local mass media: humour. Hear here. Transcript follow. Comrade Gillard prove herself wicked funny:

David Hughes: Are you a communist? Don’t answer it straight away…

Kate Langbroek: We have got our failproof ‘Are you a communist’ test which you are going to sit…

Julia Gillard: I promise I’m not sitting here wearing red or holding a red flag…

KL: What colour’s your hair madam.

JG: My hair is red, yes, there is a little bit of artificial assistance involved in that…

KL: (Starts the quiz) Someone has spoken out against your government do you (a) ignore them (b) reward them (c) don’t worry about them because no-one will see them or their families again.

JG. I think (a) ignore them…

KL. Please complete this sentence. “Today I got the newspaper and I have (what) it.”

JG. Read it.

KL. Red! … Which would you rather be, a communist, a nazi, or dead.

JG. I’m going to have to pick dead…I wouldn’t mind a fourth option… I do think it’s something to do with my hair colour think it’s easier for headline writers with the red hair…I don’t think there are communists any more outside North Korea…I want you to give Peter Costello that communist quiz. You never know.