Support for the Coalition dropped two points last month to 36.5%, while support for the ALP rose 4%, analysis of September Morgan face-to-face polling has found.

With the exception of New South Wales and South Australia, Labor’s support is strongest in the cities. It reaches 57% in Brisbane and is at its lowest in country WA at 31.5%.

The Coalition is strongest in the West. Its support is 46% in Perth and 51% in country WA. The Coalition vote drops down to 31.5% in Brisbane.

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Democrat support flatlines across the country, with just a flicker of life in South Australia, where the party manages 2.5% in Adelaide.

The Greens poll a remarkable 11% in Perth and 7.5% in the rest of the WA, the state that gave the party its first two members of the Commonwealth Parliament back in the early nineties. The party polls 8.5% in Melbourne. Its support is lowest in country Victoria and SA.

Family First poll 5.5% in Adelaide. The party already has two members in the South Australian Legislative Council. Its support is weakest in the West.

These are the main findings of special Morgan Poll analysis, conducted face-to-face with 4,580 electors in all electorates throughout Australia during the weekends of September 2007.